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This paper proposes a design method of a missile guidance system with robust control. The design method provides a compensator for the proportional navigation guidance law, explicitly considering the uncertainties by employing the μ-synthesis, a design method of robust control systems. The proposed method has two features: One is that the plant is modeled so that the feedback signal becomes the same as that of the proportional navigation, i.e., the relative velocity multiplied by the line-of-sight angular rate. The other is that the controlled output is chosen to be the component of the relative velocity perpendicular to the line of sight, instead of the line-of-sight angular rate, which is usually chosen in guidance law design based on modern control. Computer simulation is performed using a two-dimensional engagement model to show the effectiveness of the guidance law.
- 社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会の論文
- 2005-03-05
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