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Electrolytically chromium/chromium oxide coated steel and lightly tin coated steel sheets laminated by biaxially-oriented-polyester-film are applied for various kinds of can use and highly evaluated not only from the cost performance but also from the environmental point of view. These laminated steel sheets are demanded various characteristics such as formability, adhesive property, corrosion resistance and impact resistance. The characteristics depend on laminating process, which is characterized by partial melting of the supplied films that are pressed toward both sides of heated strip through a couple of cooled rubber rolls. We have already reported the adhesive property and the corrosion resistance could be controlled by a degree of biaxial orientation of the film and the thickness of amorphous layer. However, there are very few investigations for impact resistance of the laminated steel sheets that are important characteristics other than adhesive property and corrosion resistance for can use. This report deals with the effect of a degree of biaxial orientation and thickness of the amorphous layer after laminating on impact resistance for the laminated steel sheets produced in various laminating conditions. Finally, we found that impact resistance of the laminated steel sheets for can use are also controlled by the degree of biaxial orientation and the thickness of amorphous layer of the laminated film.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
田中 厚夫
田中 厚夫
東洋鋼板(株) 下松工場
毎田 知正
岩下 寛之
東洋鋼鈑 (株)技術研究所
毎田 知正
東洋鋼はん 技研
田中 厚夫
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