日本の古代鉄価とその国際比較(たたら製鉄の経営)(Part-1. 鉄の歴史 : その技術と文化)(<特集>鉄の技術と文化および循環型社会)
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Nothing tells us more eloquently on the level of a technology than the cost or the quantity If we know the prices of some metals at any period in any location, we can discuss the technical level to a certain degree only from the information From the above idea this author is carrying out a compilation of worldwide historical metal prices and so on In this report this author deliberates on iron prices in ancient Japan and makes an attempt to compare the prices internationally with ancient China or medieval Europe The results are summarized as follows (1) The ratios of iron prices for rice prices in ancient Japan are concentrated in 6 to 8 (2) The values are slightly higher than in ancient China (the ratios of iron price for rice prices are about 5), but there is no significant difference (3) As to ancient Europe there is no appropriate document but from the 14th England case (the ratio of iron price for wheal price is 4 8) there would not be much difference (4) The ratio of iron price for rice price is gradually decreasing worldwide and reaches 2 in 17th or 18th century
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 2005-01-01
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- 日本の古代鉄価とその国際比較(たたら製鉄の経営)(Part-1. 鉄の歴史 : その技術と文化)(鉄の技術と文化および循環型社会)
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- 738 オーステナイト系ステンレス鋼の炭化物析出モデル(ステンレス鋼 (1)(2), 材料, 日本鉄鋼協会第 108 回(秋季)講演大会)
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- 653 SUS304 の溶接熱影響部における表面皮膜の耐発銹性(ステンレス鋼 (1), (2), 材料, 日本鉄鋼協会第 106 回(秋季)講演大会講演)
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