ベトナムのミツノクロツヤムシ属Ceracupes,C.arrowi HELLERの新記録
荒谷 邦雄
Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
近 雅博
School Of Environmental Science The University Of Shiga Prefecture
KON Masahiro
School of Environmental Science, The University of Shiga Prefecture
Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University
Araya K
Graduate School Of Social And Cultural Studies Kyushu University
Araya Kunio
Graduate School Of Human And Environmental Studies Kyoto University
Kon Masahiro
Graduate School Of Environmental Science The University Of Shiga Prefecture
Kon Masahiro
School Of Environment Science University Of The Shiga Prefecture
JOHKI Yutaka
Graduate School of Human Life Science, Showa Women's University
Johki Y
Graduate School Of Human Life Science Showa Women's University
Johki Yutaka
Graduate School Of Human Life Science Showa Women's University
常喜 豊
Graduate School of Human Life Science, Showa Women's University
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- ボルネオからのオオクロツヤムシ Aceraius 属の2新種とボルネオ産のオオクロツヤムシの種への検索表
- Synapsis 属2新種及び1新亜種の記載
- Macropanelus 属2種の新種記載と属の再記載
- Cyobius 属の1新種
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- 中国大陸からはじめて記録されたマダラクワガタ属の1新種
- Discovery of Ceracupes chingkini OKANO (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from China
- クロツヤムシの1種の Leptaulax matsumotoi のミャンマーからの1新亜種
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- ミャンマー北部から採集されたクロツヤムシ, Ceracupes chingkini OKANO と Tiberioides borealis (ARROW)の新記録
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- Discovery of Cylindrocaulus davidi BOUCHER et REYES-CASTILLO (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from the Daliang Shan Range, Sichuan, China
- A New Record of Cylindrocaulus davidi BOUCHER et REYES-CASTILLO (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Gansu, China
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- マレー半島から採集されたクロツヤムシ:Pelopides属とLeptaulax属の2新種
- ボルネオからのヒラタクロツヤムシ属の1新種
- クロツヤムシの一種Ophrygonius emas(IWASE, 1998),comb. nov.について
- ベトナムのミツノクロツヤムシ属Ceracupes,C.arrowi HELLERの新記録
- On the Microhabitat of Taeniocerus pygmaeus : Coleoptera, Passalidae
- A New Species of Aceraius (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Sabah, Borneo, with Redescription of A.moeschleri KUWERT
- Relationship between the Decay Types of Dead Wood and Occurrence of Lucanid Beetles(Coleoptera:Lucanidae)
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- 中国とタイからの Sinodrepanus 属の2新種
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- Spawning behavior of the kissing loach (Leptobotia curta) in temporary waters
- ミトコンドリア16S rRNA遺伝子に基づくDorcus velutinus種群の分子系統と,日本および台湾産の種の分類学的地位に関する検討
- クロツヤムシの一種 Pelopides mniszechi の分類学的再評価と再記載
- On the Microhabitat of Ceracupes yui (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Taiwan
- Notes on Ceracupes arrowi (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Vietnam
- A New Record of Aesalus satoi (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) from Vietnam
- Fruit visitation patterns of small mammals on the forest floor in a tropical seasonal forest of Thailand
- Description of the Male of Onthophagus (Indachorius) cheyi OCHI et KON (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
- A New Record of Leptaulax sarawakus IWASE (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Mt. Trusnadi, Sabah, Borneo, with Reference to Sexual Dimorphism
- ボルネオ, サバ州のキナバル公園で観察されたクロツヤムシの家族構成と垂直分布
- マレー半島で得られた Torynognathus chrysomelinus (コウチュウ目クワガタムシ科)の追加標本の記録と雌の記載
- Description of a New Species of Leptaulax (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from South Korea
- 石垣島産のフナガタクチキムシ属1新種
- Onthophagus (Onthophagus) kashizakii, a New Replacement Name for O. (O.) borneomontanus OCHI et KON (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
- A New Species of the Genus Onthophagus (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae) from Sarawak, Borneo
- ヒラタクロツヤムシの一種 Leptaulax arrowi のホロタイプにもとづく再記載
- Description of the Female of Onthophagus (Phanaeomorphus) johkii OCHI et KON (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae)
- New Records of Leptaulax loebli KON, JOHKI et ARAYA (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Laos and Myanmar
- A New Record of Aceraius aequalis (GRAVELY) (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Myanmar
- A New Record of Aceraius aequalis (GRAVELY) (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Laos, with Notes on the Geographic Variation of A. aequalis
- ボルネオからのヒラタクロツヤムシ属の1新種
- A New Record of Leptaulax cyclotaenius (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Thailand
- A New Record of Gonatas carolinensis GRAVELY (Coleoptera, Passalidae) from Koror Island, Palau
- The physical mechanism of cuticular color in Phelotrupes auratus (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae)
- ラオスのPhu Panからのヒラタクロツヤムシ属の1新種