Usefulness of Cholescintigraphy with Lipid Meal Loading for Diagnosis and Determination of Cholecystectomy in a Patient with Gallbladder Dysfunction
- 論文の詳細を見る
A 47-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital because of upper abdominal and back pain. Abdominal ultrasonogram, computed tomogram, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and arteriography examination did not reveal any abnormalities. As cholescintigraphy after lipid meal loading detected dysfunction of the gallbladder, we diagnosed dyskinesia of the gallbladder. And the output ratio of the gallbladder from scintigraphy was less than 1%. Cholecystectomy completely relived her from symptoms. Histological examination disclosed chronic cholecystitis and arteritis causing dysfunction of the gallbladder. This case suggested the usefulness of cholescintigraphy with lipid meal loading for gallbladder dysfunction in determining whether or not to do cholecystectomy.
- 社団法人 日本内科学会の論文
- 2004-05-01
井上 登美夫
The First Department of Internal Medicine, Gunma University School of Medicine
Mori Masatomo
First Department Of Internal Medicine Gunma University School Of Medicine
Mori Masatomo
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Gunma University
KUSANO Motoyasu
First Department of Internal Medicine, Gunma University School of Medicine
Makuuchi Masatoshi
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Gunma University School Of Medicine
Kusano Motoyasu
Dep. Of Medicine And Molecular Sci. Gunma Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine
the First Department of Internal Medicine, Gunma University School of Medicine
Ishizuka Tamotsu
Department Of Stomatology And Maxillofacial Surgery Gunma University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kuribayashi Shiko
Maebashi North Hospital
the First Department of Internal Medicine, Gunma University School of Medicine
MONDEN Tsuyoshi
the First Department of Internal Medicine, Gunma University School of Medicine
Monden Tsuyoshi
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Gunma University School Of Medicine
Mori Masatomo
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Gunma University School Of Medicine
Ishizuka Tamotsu
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Gunma University School Of Medicine
Kusano Miyuki
Department Of Endoscopy And Endoscopic Surgery Gunma University Hospital
Mori Masatomo
The First Department Of Internal Medicine
Nakajima Hiroaki
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Gunma University School Of Medicine
Inoue Tomio
Department Of Stomatology And Maxillofacial Surgery Gunma University Graduate School Of Medicine
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- PET臨床1 : FDG-PETのがんの臨床 : 頭頚部, 胸部領域
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- PETがん検診の疫学調査
- 呼吸と心拍動を考慮した非同期MR画像による時空間解析(福祉・医療のためのパターン認識・メディア理解)
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- 乳癌診療におけるFDG-PET(PET/CT) (これからの乳癌診療 2009〜2010) -- (検診・診断)
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- PP318 食道癌の術前診断と術後再発における全身FDG-PETの有用性
- 司会者のまとめ
- 1038 急性心筋梗塞症例の心筋viability評価における糖インシュリン静注Tl法の有用性 : 糖負荷FDG-PETおよびFDG-SPECTとの比較
- 1043 拡張型心筋症における^I-MIBG心筋シンチ所見およびB型ナトリウムペプチドからの予後予測
- 全身PETを用いたガン診断のモデリングと自動診断システムの構築(データベース応用)(データ工学,ディペンダビリティ,一般)
- PET画像を用いたガン自動診断システムにおける医学知識のルール化(インターネット環境でのデータ工学とディペンダビィリティ及び一般)
- FDG PET, PET/CT診療ガイドライン2010
- MRIのRF照射位置に依存した共振回路の励磁周波数変化
- MRIを励磁源とするハイパーサーミア用共振回路の周波数特性
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- Prognostic significance of L-type amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1) and 4F2 heavy chain (CD98) expression in early stage squamous cell carcinoma of the lung
- L-type amino acid transporter 1 and CD98 expression in primary and metastatic sites of human neoplasms
- Additional value of integrated PET/CT over PET alone in the initial staging and follow up of head and neck malignancy
- Clinicopathological presentation of varying ^F-FDG uptake and expression of glucose transporter 1 and hexokinase II in cases of hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocellular carcinoma
- A shifting landscape : What will be next FDG in PET oncology?
- The role of whole-body FDG-PET in preoperative assessment of tumor staging in oral cancers
- Alternating myocardial sympathetic neural function of athlete's heart in professional cycle racers examined with iodine-123-MIBG myocardial scintigraphy
- A basic study on lesion detectability for hot spot imaging of positron emitters with dedicated PET and positron coincidence gamma camera
- Usefulness of dual-head coincidence gamma camera with thick NaI crystals for nuclear oncology : Comparison with dedicated PET camera and conventional gamma camera with thin NaI crystals
- Fundamental study of hot detectability in 3-dimensional positron emission tomography
- Effect of edetate calcium disodium on yttrium-90 activity in bone of mice
- Dose effects of beta-particle emitting ^Xenon(Xe) radioactive stents on in-stent restenosis and edge stenosis
- Diagnosis of maxillofacial tumor with L-3-[^F]-fluoro-α-methyltyrosine (FMT) PET : a comparative study with FDG-PET
- Present role and future prospects of positron emission tomography in clinical oncology
- PET and PET/CT using ^F-FDG in the diagnosis and management of cancer patients
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