Relativistic Mean-Field Theory with the Pion in Finite Nuclei
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Published for the Research Institute for Fundamental Physics by Physical Society of Japanの論文
- 2002-11-25
土岐 博
Research Center For Nuclear Physics (rcnp) Osaka University
Institute of Chemical and Physical Research (RIKEN)
IKEDA Kiyomi
Institute of Chemical and Physical Research (RIKEN)
Toki Hiroshi
Research Center For Nuclear Physical Osaka University
- 22pBF-6 2導体伝送線路回路のアンテナモードと電磁波の輻射(22pBF 加速器電源・J-PARC・中性子源・FFAG加速器(電源・負荷・配線の対称化),ビーム物理領域)
- 21pBD-5 SU(2)カラーPNJLモデルのハドロナイゼーションと有限密度、温度における状態方程式(21pBD クォーク物質・QCD相図,理論核物理領域)
- 22pBF-1 多導体伝送線路回路理論、及び、ノイズと電磁波輻射の起源と低減(22pBF 加速器電源・J-PARC・中性子源・FFAG加速器(電源・負荷・配線の対称化),ビーム物理領域)
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- 28pXF-7 内部構造を考慮した^8Bの陽子および^Cとの弾性散乱(28pXF 理論核物理領域,実験核物理領域合同 不安定核(合同)I,理論核物理領域)
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- 23a-D-4 中間エネルギー陽子陽子散乱に伴う高エネルギー電磁輻射過程の研究I
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- カラークーロン瞬間クォークポテンシャルの研究(熱場の量子論とその応用,基研研究会,研究会報告)
- クーロンゲージQCDにおける閉じ込め機構の研究(基研研究会「熱場の量子論とその応用」,研究会報告)
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- Relativistic Mean Field Theory with Pion Field for Finite Nuclei
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- Relativistic Mean-Field Theory with the Pion in Finite Nuclei
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- Relativistic Mean Field Theory for Deformed Nuclei with Pairing Correlations
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- 28aGH-3 ^4HeにおけるTOSM近似の精度(28aGH 核構造(軽い核),理論核物理領域)
- 25aGM-8 The correlation wave function method in relativistic Hartree-Fock model for nuclear matter
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- Formation of Deeply Bound 1s Pionic States of Intermediate Mass Nuclei in (d,^3He) Reactions
- Double-Λ Hypernuclei in the Relativistic Mean-Field Theory (Nuclear Physics)
- One and Two Baryon Systems in the Chiral Constituent Quark Model
- Landau-Migdal Parameters g'_N, g'_Δ and g'_ in the π+ρ Model : Nuclear Physics
- 16aSG-13 Extended relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock model for nuclear matter
- Chromomagnetic Catalysis of Color Superconductivity and Dimensional Reduction
- Tensor Optimized Few-Body Model for s-Shell Nuclei
- Chiral symmetry and relativistic mean field approach of nuclei with finite pion mean field (テンソル力と多核子相関)
- Skyrme-Hartree-Fock plus Tensor Correction for Nuclear Matter(Nuclear Physics)
- Tensor Optimized Few-Body Model for s-Shell Nuclei(Nuclear Physics)
- Chiral Sigma Model with Pion Mean Field in Finite Nuclei
- Tensor Correlation in ^4He with the Tensor-Optimized Shell Model
- Relativistic Mean Field Theory for Deformed Nuclei with Pairing Correlations
- Relativistic Mean Field Theory with Pion Field for Finite Nuclei
- Relativistic Mean-Field Theory with the Pion in Finite Nuclei
- Role of Form Factor in Relativistic Hartree-Fock Approach for Finite Nuclei
- Relativistic Description of Semi-Infinite Nuclear Matter with Vacuum Polarization
- Relativistic Chiral Mean Field Model for Finite Nuclei
- Tensor-Optimized Shell Model with Bare Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction for ^4He
- Systematic Study of ^Li with the Tensor and Pairing Correlations
- Proton-Rich Nuclei at and beyond the Proton Drip Line in the Relativistic Mean Field Theory(Nuclear Physics)
- Masses, Deformations and Charge Radii-Nuclear Ground-State Properties in the Relativistic Mean Field Model(Nuclear Physics)