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When a glow discharge is generated across a shock wave in hypersonic flows, the wave is visualized as a nonluminous layer in a uniformly luminous positive column. In this report, a tentative theory that explains why the wave is visualized as stated above is proposed. The idea is as described below. A space charge layer produced due to discontinuity of electron density Ne at the wave lets itself keep off the electrons that is fast thermally enough to excite molecules to radiative states. Consequently the nonluminous layer is observed along the wave surface. To verify the idea, an analysis on two regions upstream and downstream the wave in the positive column is carried out applying Schottky theory. The analysis shows that the electron temperature, the electric field, and the Ne change across the wave discontinuously. The discontinuity of the Ne causes the diffusion of the electrons, and consequently the space charge layer is produced.
- 社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会の論文
- 2003-11-05
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