Fragmentation of tubes by ammonium nitrate based explosives
National Food Research Institute
Jung W‐j
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology
Yokohama National University
OGAWA Terushige
Yokohama National University
Miyake A
Yokohama National Univ. Kanagawa Jpn
Wada Yuji
Institue For Geo-resourse And Environment Aist
Ogata Y
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology
Miyake A
Yokohama National University
National Institute for Resources and Environment
National Research Institute of Police Science
JUNG Woo-Jin
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
ARAI Hiroyuki
National Research Institute of Police Science
- Hardness perception in visual motion : An experimental investigation in penetrating motion(Summaries of Awarded Presentation at the 28th Annual Meeting)
- Low Dose X-Ray Imaging GLG : Restoration by Kalman Filter
- Explosion strength of tri-n-butyl phosphate and fuming nitric acid (TBP/FNA) mixture evaluated by underwater explosion test
- Blast wave parameters of PETN with silicon rubber binder
- Critical thickness for detonation propagation in tri-n-butyl phosphate and fuming nitric acid (TBP/FNA) mixtures
- Attenuation of blast waves by a water column
- Numerical simulation of shock attenuation in PMMA gap (シミュレーション特集号(2))
- Vibration and fragmentation by changing the blast burden at Funao limestone quarry
- Relationship of fragmentation of cylindrical rock specimen and incident underwater shock wave
- A Proposal of Explosion Sensitivity Theory and Evaluating of Explosive Substances
- Method of Evaluating the Hazardous Nature of Explosive Substances
- 円筒形電極孔による亜鉛イオン拡散の抑制
- Vapor Detection of TNT and RDX Using Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry with Counter-Flow Introduction (CFI)
- Site experiments for blasting vibration reduction using controlling initiation
- Detonation velocity and pressure of the non-ideal explosive ANFO
- Fragmentation of tubes by ammonium nitrate based explosives
- The effect of haptic information on vision : Using geometrical patterns with and without visual illusion(Summary of Awarded Presentations at the 24th Annual Meeting)
- A study on the evaluation of linear burning rate of a gas generating agent in a closed vessel
- A study on the characteristics of azole-metal complexes
- A study on the characteristics of azole-metal complexes (III) : Thermal behaviors of 1H-1,2,4-triazole metal complexes
- A study on the characteristics of azole-metal complexes (II) : Thermal behaviors of 1H- tetrazole metal complexes
- A study on thermal stability of nitrocellulose
- Combustion characteristics of ADN-based solid propellants
- Combustion wave structure of ADN-based composite propellant