Explosion strength of tri-n-butyl phosphate and fuming nitric acid (TBP/FNA) mixture evaluated by underwater explosion test
Okada Ken
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Nakayama Y
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and technology (AIST) Tsukuba Central 5
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and technology (AIST) Tsukuba Central 5
YOSHIDA Masatake
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and technology (AIST) Tsukuba Central 5
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Yokohama National University
Yokohama National University
OGAWA Terushige
Yokohama National University
Wakabayashi Kunihiko
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Yoshida M
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Yoshida Masatake
National Chemical Laboratory For Industry Tsukuba Research Center
Matsumura T
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Miyake A
Yokohama National Univ. Kanagawa Jpn
Nakayama Yoshio
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Miyake A
Yokohama National University
Matsumura Tomoharu
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
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