- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2000-05-25
鏡味 裕
Faculty Of Agriculture Shinshu University
田上 貴寛
畜産草地研究所 家畜育種増殖研究チーム
Kagami Hiroshi
Department Of Food Production Science Faculty Of Agriculture Shinshu University
松原 悠子
鏡味 裕
田上 貴寛
春海 隆
内藤 充
丸山 公明
U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Gene Evaluation and Mapping Laborato
丸山 公明
U. S. Department Of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service Gene Evaluation And Mapping Laboratory
- Depletion of Primordial Germ Cells (PGCs) by X-irradiation to Extraembryonic Region of Chicken Embryos and Expression of Xenotransplanted Quail PGCs
- Complete Regeneration of Muscular Dystrophy Chickens by Mating of Male and Female Offspring Derived from Germline Chimeras
- Regeneration of Muscular Dystrophy Chickens by Transplantation of Early Blastodermal Cells into Recipient Embryos
- ニワトリ初期胚におけるDNAメチル化状態の変化
- ニワトリにおける多型検出法の開発
- Malignant lymphoma of the cranial vault : Analysis of three cases
- 液体窒素中で凍結保存された生殖巣由来始原生殖細胞の移植によるウズラ生殖系列キメラの作製
- ウズラ初期胚のニワトリ卵殻を用いた培養
- Dynamic Analysis of the Developmental Fate of Cells in the Center of the Area Pellucida of the Blastoderm in Chicken
- Ruptured Vertebral Artery-Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Aneurysm Associated with Facial Nerve Paresis Successfully Treated with Interlocking Detachable Coils : Case Report
- "Recessive Black" : A Plumage Color Mutant in Japanese Quail
- Culture System for Embryos of Blue-Breasted Quail from the Blastoderm Stage to Hatching
- 非破壊変形を指標とした卵殻強度の強弱2方向選抜
- Effects of Busulfan Sustained-release Emulsion on Depletion and Repopulation of Primordial Germ Cells in Early Chicken Embryos
- Restriction of Germline Proliferation by Soft X-ray Irradiation of Chicken Embryos and its Application to Chimera Production
- Skeletal Analysis and Characterization of Gene Expression Related to Pattern Formation in Developing Limbs of Japanese Silkie Fowl
- A Novel Concentrating System of Chicken Stem Cells by Bone Marrow Side Population Cells
- Analysis of Developmental Changes in Avian DNA Methylation Using a Novel Method for Quantifying Genome-wide DNA Methylation
- 生殖細胞による動物遺伝資源の保存と個体への再生
- 家禽幹細胞分化制御に関する研究の現状と展望
- Spatiotemporal pattern of EphA4 gene expression in developing quail limb buds
- Polymerase chain reaction detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the chicken mitochondrial D-loop region
- ニワトリ初生雛の雌雄産み分けに関する国際会議に参加して
- 生殖前駆細胞の鳥類生命工学への応用
- Effect of the strain combination of the donor and recipient on the production efficiency of W-bearing sperm in mixed-sex germline chimeric chickens
- Identification of Transferred Chicken Germ Cells in Quail Gonad and Semen by Amplification of Chicken-Specific PCR Products
- 日本家禽学会奨励賞受賞講演要旨 ニワトリ始原生殖細胞の発生起源の同定と生殖細胞系列キメラの作出に関する発生工学的研究 (〔日本家禽学会2001年度〕秋季大会号)
- ニワトリ胚の体外培養システムにおけるアイガモ卵殻の利用
- Late Bilateral Temporal Lobe Necrosis After Conventional Radiotherapy
- ニワトリ胚盤葉細胞へのリポーター遺伝子のトランスフェクションと初期胚での発現
- 飼料給与の時間制限がニワトリの放卵時刻と卵質に及ぼす影響〔英文〕
- 鶏の放卵時刻に及ぼす間けつ照明の影響について〔英文〕
- 鶏の産卵と卵形質に及ぼす23時間明暗周期の影響〔英文〕
- 鶏の産卵と放卵周期に及ぼすアヘメラル明暗周期の影響〔英文〕
- 非相称枠光周期下における鶏の放卵時刻について〔英文〕
- 明暗周期による鶏の放卵時刻の規制について〔英文〕
- Depletion of Primordial Germ Cells (PGCs) by X-irradiation to Extraembryonic Region of Chicken Embryos and Expression of Xenotransplanted Quail PGCs
- Substantial Evidence to Localize the Developmental Origin of Primordial Germ Cells in the Chicken
- Substantial Evidence to Localize the Developmental Origin of Primordial Germ Cells in the Chicken
- 種々な明暗周期下におけるニワトリの放卵時刻について〔英文〕
- 卵の転がりに及ぼすケ-ジ床面の目と幅と角度の影響について(技術報告)
- 卵巣除去, テストステロン及び17β-エストラジオール投与が雌七面鳥の成長速度とと体成分組成に及ぼす影響
- 七面鳥の成長とテストステロン : 2. 去勢とテストステロン投与がと体歩留, と体構成, 及び成分組成に及ぼす影響
- 七面鳥の成長とテストステロン : 1. 去勢とテストステロン投与が体成長に及ぼす影響
- Viability and Functionality of Primordial Germ Cells after Freeze-thaw in Chickens
- A Simple Culture Method of Chicken Blastodermal Cells for Germline Transmission
- ニワトリにおける雌特異的DNA断片の同定〔英文〕
- W染色体に特異的な反復DNA配列の検出によるニワトリの性判別〔英文〕
- 卵巣除去鶏における右生殖腺の遺伝学的および形態学的研究〔英文〕
- Infected Acute Subdural Hematoma Associated With Invasive Pneumococcal Disease : Case Report
- PCR-SSCP法によるウシミトコンドリアDループ領域の多型解析
- A Case of Intraosseous Microcystic Meningioma Without a Mass Lesion
- Endovascular Revascularization of External Carotid Artery Occlusion Causing Tongue Infarction -Case Report-