Regeneration of Muscular Dystrophy Chickens by Transplantation of Early Blastodermal Cells into Recipient Embryos
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2009-01-25
KAGAMI Hiroshi
Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University
ONO Tamao
Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University
Nippon Institute for Biological Science, Laboratory Animal Research Station
Ono T
Fac. Of Agriculture Shinshu Univ. Jpn
鏡味 裕
Faculty Of Agriculture Shinshu University
Kagami Hiroshi
Faculty Of Agriculture Shinshu University
Ono Tamao
Faculty Of Agriculture Shinshu University
Kagami Hiroshi
Department Of Food Production Science Faculty Of Agriculture Shinshu University
Fujiwara Akira
Nippon Institute For Biological Science Laboratory Animal Research Station
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