野平 俊之
Department of Fundamental Energy Science, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University
伊藤 靖彦
Department of Fundamental Energy Science, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University
Nohira Toshiyuki
Department Of Fundamental Energy Science Graduate School Of Energy Science Kyoto University
喬 歓
Department Of Fundamental Energy Science Graduate School Of Energy Science Kyoto University
Ito Yasuhiko
Department Of Microbiology College Of Life And Health Sciences Chubu University
Department of Fundamental Energy Science, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University
Ito Yasuhiko
Department Of Fundamental Energy Science Graduate School Of Energy Science Kyoto University
Ito Yasuhiko
Department Of Biomedical Sciences College Of Life And Health Sciences Chubu University
Qiao Huan
Department Of Fundamental Energy Science Graduate School Of Energy Science Kyoto University
ITO Yasuhiko
Department of Fundamental Energy Science, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University
- Acute Kidney Injury Presenting a Feature of Leukemic Infiltration during Therapy for Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
- 塩化アルミニウム-1-エチル-3-メチルイミダゾリウムクロライドイオン液体中におけるアノード水素電極反応
- 中低温イオン液体中における四塩化珪素の電気化学的還元
- 溶融塩化物中での炭酸イオンの陰極還元反応-2-反応メカニズムの解析
- 析出・溶解反応におけるサイクリックボルタンメトリ-の理論
- In Vitro Inhibition of Human Influenza A Virus Infection by Fruit-Juice Concentrate of Japanese Plum (Prunus mume SIEB. et ZUCC)(Microbiology)
- 溶融塩電気化学プロセスによるTb-Fe合金膜の形成
- 溶融塩電気化学プロセスによるCo-Gd合金膜の形成
- 溶融LiCl-KCl中への水素の溶解
- 溶融塩電解法による軽水炉のジルコニウム廃棄物からのジルコニウム回収技術
- 未来エネルギーシステムにむけた溶融塩電気化学の展開
- Li_2WO_4-Na_2WO_4-K_2WO_4系溶融塩からのタングステンの電析
- Analyses of Transgenic Mice that Have Human CD98 Heavy Chain Gene
- Ni-Y金属間化合物薄膜の相制御および多孔質化
- 溶融塩電気化学プロセスによる薄膜形成
- 酸化物イオンを含む溶融LiCl-KCl中でのニッケルの陽極酸化物皮膜生成と孔食〔英文〕
- 溶融LiCl-KCl系における新規な電気化学的SiH_4合成法(その2): Si-Cu合金アノードの有効性
- 溶融LiCl-KCl系における新規な電気化学的SiH_4合成法(その1): 反応メカニズムとSiH_4連続発生へのアプローチ
- 溶融塩電気化学プロセスによる希土類合金の形成
- 溶融LiF-NaF-KF中におけるグラッシーカーボン電極上での酸化物イオンの電気化学的挙動
- 溶融塩電気化学プロセスによるSi-Er合金の形成
- 溶融LiCl-KCl-SmCl_3系におけるSm-遷移金属合金の電解形成
- 溶融LiCl-KCl-PrCl_3系におけるPr-Ni合金の電解形成
- 溶融塩電気化学プロセスによる表面改質
- Proposal for juvenile idiopathic arthritis guidance on diagnosis and treatment for primary care pediatricians and nonpediatric rheumatologists (2007)
- Massive periosteal reaction a presenting feature of acute megakaryocytic leukemia
- 溶融LiCl-KCl-KSCN系におけるアノード放電電解による遷移金属硫化物粒子の形成
- VI^ International Symposium on Molten Salt Chemistry & Technology(MS6)参加報告記
- Failure of Multinucleated Giant Cell Formation in K562 Cells Infected with Newcastle Disease Virus and Human Parainfluenza Type 2 Virus
- Identification of Fusion Regulatory Protein (FRP)-1/4F2 Related Molecules: Cytoskeletal Proteins are Associated with FRP-1 Molecules that Regulate Multinucleated Giant Cell Formation of Monocytes and HIV-Induced Cell Fusion
- 溶融塩化物系での放電電解によるNi微粒子の形成
- ラジオトレ-サ-法による電気化学反応に関する研究-1-59Feを含有する金属鉄試料の作製
- A Case of Acute Renal Failure Caused by Cholesterol Embolization after Carotid Artery Stenting that was Improved by Peritoneal Dialysis
- A quantitative method for analyzing establishing-efficiency of persistent viral infection
- Effect of Degree of Imidization in Polyimide Thin Films Prepared by Vapor Deposition Polymerization on the Electrical Conduction
- Equilibrium Distributions of Actinides and Lanthanides in Molten Salt and Liquid Metal Binary Phase Systems
- 溶融LiF-NaF-KF中でのデューテライドイオンの電気化学的挙動
- Electrochemical Behavior of Hydride Ion in a LiF-NaF-KF Eutectic Melt (特集 New Trends in Molten Salt Chemistry and Electrochemistry)
- Electrode Behavior of Si and Evolution of SiH4 in Molten LiCl-KCl-LiH Systems (特集 New Trends in Molten Salt Chemistry and Electrochemistry)
- Peritonitis is still an important factor for withdrawal from peritoneal dialysis therapy in the Tokai area of Japan
- A rare case of acute kidney injury associated with autoimmune hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia after long-term usage of oxaliplatin
- Electrolytic Reduction of SiO2 Granules in Molten CaCl2
- The thermodynamic behaviour of nickel in a molten LiF-KF-O2- system.
- Reactions of Uranium Fluorides with Graphite.
- Electrolytic Reduction of SiO_2 Granules in Molten CaCl_2