Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of the Nipple: A Case Report
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1996-12-31
Department of Pathology, National Hiroshima Hospital
the Department of Pathology, National Shikoku Cancer Center Hospital
Nozaki Isao
The Departments Of Surgery The Shikoku Cancer Center Hospital
Takashima Shigemitsu
The Departments Of Surgery The Shikoku Cancer Center Hospital
Ohsumi Shozo
Department Of Breast Surgery National Hospital Organization Shikoku Cancer Center
Mandai Koichi
The Department Of Pathology National Shikoku Cancer Center Hospital
Ohsumi Shozo
The Departments Of Surgery The Shikoku Cancer Center Hospital
Mandai Koichi
Department Of Pathology National Shikoku Cancer Center Hospital
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