Sigmoid Colon Cancer Associated with Primary Hyperparathyroidism: Report of a Case
Masaki T
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Department of Surgical Onchology, University of Tokyo
Kawamura Yutaka
Department of Cardiology, Ageo Central General Hospital
Muto Tetsuichiro
Department Of Surgery University Of Tokyo
MASAKI Tadahiko
Department of Surgery, Kyorin University School of Medicine
Kazama Shinsuke
Department Of Surgical Oncology Faculty Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo
Morita T
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Department of Surgical Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
Takata Masaki
Materials Science Division Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (spring-8/jasri) Crest-jst
Muto Tetsuichiro
Department Of Surgical Oncology Faculty Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo
Masaki Tadahiko
Department Of Surgery Kyorin University
Kawamura Yutaka
Department Of Surgical Oncology School Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo
Kawamura Yutaka
Department Of Cardiology Ageo Central General Hospital
Miyahara Takuya
Department Of Surgical Oncology Faculty Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo
Muto Tetsuichiro
Department Of Gastroenterological Surgery Cancer Institute Hospital
Kawamura Y
Department Of Surgical Oncology Faculty Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo
Muto Tetsuichiro
Colorectal Endoscopic Resection Standardization Implementation Working Group Japanese Society For Ca
Miyahara Takuya
Department Of Rehabilitation Ageo Central General Hospital
Muto Tetsuichiro
Colorectal Endoscopic Resection Standardization Implementation Working Group In Japanese Society For
Muto Tetsuichiro
Department Of First Surgery Faculty Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Muto Tetsuichiro
Colorectal Endoscopic Resection Standardization Implementation Working Group In Japanese Society For
Muto Tetsuichiro
Colorectal Endoscopic Resection Standardization Implementation Working Group In Japanese Society For
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