Letter to the Editor
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2001-03-20
- 大腸sm癌の浸潤度と浸潤様式から見た内視鏡的治療の限界に関する検討
- 内視鏡所見から見た早期大腸癌の深達度診断に関する検討
- 慢性膵炎およびSjögren症候群における精製膵抗原(PA3)に対する特異的細胞性免疫の検討
- Letter to the Editor
- Small liver cancer を合併した小網リンパ管腫の1例
- Measurement of serum MP-A11 in patients with cancer of digestive organs.
- A new pancreatic ductal cell antigen prepared by a monoclonal antibody.
- Pressure of the papillary sphincter zone and pancreatic main duct in patients with alcoholic and idiopathic chronic pancreatitis.
- Circadian rythms of the pancreatic ductal pressure and E.M.G. of the papillary sphincter in Japanese monkey.
- Measurement of pancreatic main ductal pressure and myoelectrical study of papillary sphincter in monkeys.