Significance of hematoma size for evaluating the grade of blunt renal trauma
SATO Shinji
Division of Particle and Astrophysical Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University
Kaneko Arata
Department Of Urology Saga Medical School
Division of Biochemical Oncology and Immunology, Institute for Genetic Medicine, Hokkaido University
Department of Urology, Saga Medical School
Sato Shinji
Division Of Advanced Surgical Science And Technology Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Takagi Norito
Department Of Urology Saga Medical School
Masaki Zenjiro
Department Of Urology Faculty Of Medicine Saga University
Masaki Zenjiro
Department Of Surgery Division Of Urology Saga Medical School
Masaki Zenjiro
Department Of Urology And Pathology Saga Medical School
ICHIGI Yasuhisa
Division of Urology Department of Surgery Saga Medical School
Division of Urology Department of Surgery Saga Medical School
KATO Akira
Division of Urology Department of Radiology Saga Medical School
MATSUO Yoshitomo
Division of Urology Department of Radiology Saga Medical School
Division of Urology Department of Radiology Saga Medical School
MASAKI Zenjiro
Division of Urology Department of Surgery Saga Medical School
Kudo Sho
Division Of Urology Department Of Radiology Saga Medical School
Sato Shinji
Department Of Urology Saga Medical School
Nakamura Kouji
Department Of Urology Saga Medical School
Nakamura Koji
Division Of Biochemical Oncology And Immunology Institute For Genetic Medicine Hokkaido University
Sato Shinji
Division Of Urology Department Of Surgery Saga Medical School
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