Speciation, its Ecological and Biogeographical Consequences from the 18th symposium of the Society of Population Ecology in Okinawa, 1997
- Geographic Variation in the Body Size of Some Japanese Leptocarabus Species (Coleoptera, Carabidae) : The "Toppled-Domino Pattern" in Species along a Geographic Cline
- Genetic Differentiation of the Gobies Gymnogobius castaneus and G. taranetzi in the Region Surrounding the Sea of Japan as Inferred from a Mitochondrial Gene Genealogy
- The Role of Cuticular Hydrocarbons in Mating and Conspecific Recognition in the Closely Related Longicorn Beetles Pidonia grallatrix and P. takechii
- Comparative Phylogeography of Three Leptocarabus Ground Beetle Species in South Korea, Based on the Mitochondrial COI and Nuclear 28S rRNA Genes
- Vertical heterogeneity of a forest floor invertebrate food web as indicated by stable-isotope analysis
- Parallel formation of hybrid swarms of ground beetles in the genus Carabus (Coleoptera : Carabidae) in adjacent river basins
- Interspecific body size differentiation in species assemblages of the carabid subgenus Ohomopterus in Japan
- Discrimination of two Japanese water pennies, Eubrianax granicollis Lewis and E. ramicornis Kiesenwetter (Coleoptera : Psephenidae), based on laboratory rearing and molecular taxonomy
- Identification of elmid larvae (Coleoptera : Elmidae) from Sanin District of Honshu, Japan, based on mitochondrial DNA sequences
- Proboscis Lengths and Flower Utilization of Bumblebees from Sumatra and Java
- Nest Structure, Colony Composition and Foraging Activity of a Tropical-Montane Bumblebee, Bombus senex (Hymenoptera : Apidae), in West Sumatra
- Differentiation of the Dragonfly Genus Davidius (Odonata: Gomphidae) in Japan Inferred from Mitochondrial and Nuclear Gene Genealogies
- Bacteria as Diet for the Mosquito Larvae Aedes (Stegomyia) (Diptera: Culicidae) : Preliminary Experiments with Pseudomonas fluorescens
- Response to Selection for Desiccation Resistance in Aedes albopictus Eggs(Diptera:Culicidae)
- The Life History and Pollination Ecology of Bumblebees in the Alpine Zone of Central Japan
- Radiation and reticulation : extensive introgressive hybridization in the carabid beetles Ohomopterus inferred from mitochondrial gene genealogy
- Phylogeography of the leaf beetle Chrysolina virgata in wetlands of Japan inferred from the distribution of mitochondrial haplotypes
- Online First publication
- A change from 2006
- Microhabitat Size Distribution Affects Local Difference in Community Structure:Metazoan Communities in Treeholes
- Plagiarism in the age of electronic publishing
- Hybridization and Speciation in the Carabid Beetles of the Subgenus Ohomopterus(Coleoptera, Carabidae, Genus Carabus)
- Interactions among Microorganisms, Animals and Plants
- SeasonalLifeCycleandAutogenyintheMosquitoAedestogoiinNorthernKyushu,Japan,withExperimentalAnalysisoftheEffectsof Tenperture, Photoperiod and Food on Life-History Traits
- Speciation, its Ecological and Biogeographical Consequences from the 18th symposium of the Society of Population Ecology in Okinawa, 1997
- Effects of Capacity on Resource Input and the Aquatic Metazoan Community Structure in Phytotelmata