Prediction and Control of Earing by Analysis of Texture
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To predict and control the planar plastic anisotropy of metal sheets, it is necessary to clarify the quantitative relationship between the texture and anisotropy. In this paper, prediction of earing of drawn cup by three-dimensional texture analysis based on the vector method and quantitative evaluation concerning the relation between texture and earing was tried. As the result the validity of the prediction and the importance of taking account of minor orientation in some cases have been shown. In addition to it, the anisotropy control of the steel in which γ-fiber is developed strongly has been investigated and some mechanisms to inhibit anisotropy have been shown.
- 社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 1998-06-15
村上 英邦
村上 英邦
村上 英邦
新日本製鐵(株) 八幡技研
Senuma Takehide
Steel Research Laboratories Nippon Steel Corporation
Yawata R & D Laboratories, Nippon Steel Corporation
Murakami H
Nippon Steel Corp. Fukuoka‐ken Jpn
Murakami Hidekuni
Yawata R&d Laboratories Nippon Steel Corporation
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