Yamaguchi Univ. Ube Jpn | 論文
- Self-cloning Yeast Strains Containing Novel FAS2 Mutations Produce a Higher Amount of Ethyl Caproate in Japanese Sake
- Isolation of Five Laccase Gene Sequences from the White-Rot Fungus Trametes sanguinea by PCR, and Cloning, Characterization and Expression of the Laccase cDNA in Yeasts
- Detection of a Point Mutation in FAS2 Gene of Sake Yeast Strains by Allele-Specific PCR Amplification
- Effects of Levulinic Acid on 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Production in Heterotrophic Cultures of Chlorella regularis YA-603
- Effect of Glycine on 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Biosynthesis in Heterotrophic Culture of Chlorella regularis YA-603
- Construction of Recombinant Sake Yeast Containing a Dominant FAS2 Mutation without Extraneous Sequences by a Two-Step Gene Replacement Protocol
- Measurement of Cell Density in Cultures of Aggregative Organisms by Continuous-Dilution-Photometric-Assay
- Photometric Measurement of High Cell Density by Continuous Dilution of Broth with a Circulating System
- Transient characteristics of luminescence from CdS-doped glass
- D112 抵抗低減用界面活性剤のミセル高次構造破壊に関する研究
- Double Mediatory System Involving a Flavin Analog and a p-Benzoquinone Derivative for Photoinduced Electrochemical Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol to Benzaldehyde in Acetonitrile
- Electrocatalytic Befavior of Poly(2,5-dihydroxyaniline) Syntehsized by Electropolymerization in Aqueous Solutions
- Redox Behavior of Poly(2,5-dihydroxyaniline) Synthesized by Electropolymerization in Aqueous Solutions
- Output Characteristics of a KrF Laser Dependent on the F_2 Absorption in Inactive Regions
- C325 界面活性剤水溶液噴流に与える温度の影響
- A Folw Visualization Study on the Mechanism of Turbulent Drag Reduction by Surfactants
- 界面活性剤水溶液噴流の速度分布
- Surfactant Drag Reduction in Internally-Grooved Rough Tubes
- 改質低石炭化度炭を用いたCWMの添加剤に関する研究
- 乱流抵抗減少効果に及ぼす界面活性剤の分子構造の影響