University of Washington | 論文
- What can Japanese surgeons do to advance surgery in the world
- Ono Susumu ed., Nihongo no keito
- Cell cycle regulatory proteins in glomerular diseases
- A Proposal Of a Web-Based Instant Messaging Application
- 三点曲げ下におけるC/Cコンポジットの繊維架橋効果(O.S.1-2 樹脂・金属・セラミックスの疲労と破壊,O.S.1:先進材料の力学解析と強度・機能性評価)
- PMC-14: Stress Wave Method for Identification of Viscoelastic Material Property Based on Finite-element Inverse-analysis(PMC-II: POLYMERS AND POLYMER MATRIX COMPOSITES)
- Freshwater Planarians (Platyhelminthes : Tricladida : Planariidae) from the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka
- Trauma Systems in the USA
- The Microbiota of Young Children from Tooth and Tongue Samples
- Image Analysis for Quantitative Autoradiography of Receptors.
- High-Resolution Imaging in Epilepsy
- Intermittent Force in Orthodontic Tooth Movement
- 4.3 二流体プラズマの物理(4.FRC技術,理論の波及,極限的高ベータプラズマ閉じ込め:FRC研究の新展開)
- Adipose Tissue Inflammation and Atherogenesis in the Metabolic Syndrome(Symposium 3 (SY-03) (IHD) Metabolic Syndrome and Atherosclerosis,Special Program,The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Cholesterol Levels among Japanese Americans and Other Populations:Seattle Nikkei Health Study
- MS1-1 The satellite cell : an old fashioned skeletal muscle stem cell
- Modeling the Energy Metabolism of the Cardiac Myocytes
- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
- I Cognitive interference : The intelligence-personality crossroad