University of Library and Information Science | 論文
- Magnetic Compton-Profiles of Fe_3Pt(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Spin Magnetic Form Factors of hcp Co
- Literacy and rhetoric in Anglo and Asiatic traditions
- Software Design Process: Chrysalis Stage under the Control of Designers
- Positron Annihilation in Ni_3Ga
- Extension of MHTML to Text Input and Text Search Functions in Multiple Languages on Off-the-shelf Browsers
- Angular Correlation of Positron Annihilation Radiation in Chromium and Molybdenum
- Theoretical Momentum Distributions in Nb_3O_3
- Efficient Implementation of Multi-Dimensional Array Redistribution
- An Efficient Data Distribution Technique for Distributed Memory Parallel Computers (特集:並列処理)
- An Efficient Data Distribution Technique for Distributed Memory Parallel Computers
- Electrical Resistivity of Transition Metals. II
- Interband Optical Conductivity of Rb
- Electronic Structure of Cu-Ni Alloys
- Band Structure of Metals under High Pressure. I. / Fermi Surface of Na and K
- Band Theory of Super-Lattice CoFe
- The Electronic States of Nickel ions in Diamond Calculated by a Discrete-Variational Xα Method
- Energy Band of Nb-Mo Alloy and Its Dependence on Alloy Potentials
- An Effective Potential of Metallic Vanadium and Chromium
- Magnetic Compton Profile and Spin Polarized Positron Annihilation Radiation in Hcp Cobalt