Univ. Tsukuba Ibaraki | 論文
- Enantioselective Catalysis Performed by Bilayer-type Artificial Aminotransferase. Effect of a Chiral Binaphthol Moiety Placed in the Reaction Site
- Enantioselective Catalysis by Supramolecular Bilayer Membrane as Artificial Aminotransferase
- High Field Magnetoresistance and de Haas-van Alphen Effect in UGe_2
- Heterogeneous Mixed-Valence States in RPd_3S_4 (R=Eu and Yb) Viewed from Thermopower, Electrical Resistivity and Specific Heat
- Thermoelectric Properties of Valence-Fluctuating Eu Compound with a Clathrate-Like Structure, Eu_3Pd_Ge_6(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Mgagnetic and Optical Properties)
- Optical Properties of Electron Center in Layered Ionic Crystals (C_nH_NH_3)_2MnCl_4:n=1,2,3 Irradiated with X-Rays at 15K
- Usefulness of magnifying endoscopic evaluation of the terminal ileum for a patient with graft-versus-host disease after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
- Sub-100-nm-Resolution Zone Plate Soft X-Ray Microscope Using Undulator Radiation
- Magnetic Instability around the Quantum Critical Point in CeCoGe_Si_x(0≤x≤3)(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Observation of Ion Confining Potential Enhancement due to Thermal Barrier Potential Formation and Its Scaling Law in the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10
- Ablation of Nrf2 function Does Not Increase the Erythroid or Megakaryocytic Cell Lineage Dysfunction Caused by p45 NF-E2 Gene Disruption
- Potential Linkage between the Plug Region and an End Plate in GAMMA 10
- Investigation of Edge Plasmas in the Anchor Cell Region of GAMMA 10 : Fluids, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges
- タンデムミラ-GAMMA 10 によるプラズマ閉じ込め
- Measurement of Electron Cyclotron Emission from the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10
- Measurement of End Loss Electrons and Ions from a Hot Ion Plasma in a Tandem Mirror
- On the Electrostatic Potential Profile Determined from Ion Endloss Spectrum
- Monotonic Electrostatic Potential Profile around Plug Region of a Tandem Mirror
- Electrostatic Potential in the Endcells of a Tandem Mirror under Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating
- Velocity-Space Diffusion of Wave-Heated Electrons in a Mirror Field