Tokyo University of Agriculture and technology | 論文
- 20-4 水稲栽培における有機質資材窒素の無機化予測と施肥による補正(20.肥料および施肥法)
- 14 水田における灌漑水中窒素の収支 : 堆肥の影響(関東支部講演会)
- 田面水余剰貯留水深 : 水田からのシメトリンとチオベンカルブの流出制御のための水管理方法
- B412 水稲用育苗箱処理剤がコオイムシ幼虫に及ぼす影響
- I101 水稲用育苗箱処理剤がコオイムシ1齢幼虫に及ぼす影響
- 水稲用農薬の環境モニタリング(新連載・1)農薬のかけ流し管理と止水管理の比較、農薬流出抑制のための田面水貯留水深について
- The expression of Ras-related molecules in DMBA-induced forestomach tumors in rasH2 mice(Carcinogenicity, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting)
- In vitro genotoxic potential and liver initiation activity of ciprofloxacin(Mutagenicity, Carcinogenicity, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting)
- O-16 Analysis of gene expression profiles of forestomach tumors in rasH2 mice initiated with N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea(ENDOCRINE SYSTEM/DEVELOPMENT AND REPRODUCTION/CARCINOGENICITY/TOXICOGENOMICS)(GENERAL SESSION BY ORAL PRESENTATION)(Proceedings of the 31st
- 豚伝染性胃腸炎ウイルス(TGEV)日本分離株ORF7領域の塩基配列比較(短報)(ウイルス学)
- BS-3-17 An Analysis of Peer and Query Behavior in Winny Network by Passive Measurement
- Shear modulus of several kinds of Japanese bamboo obtained by flexural vibration test
- 座談会-農業機械関連分野の産官学連携を語る
- Optimization of Antireflection Film Structures for Surface-Passivated Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells
- Fundamental Study of Ultrasonic Hydrogen Bubble Chamber by Measurement of Cavitation Threshold
- A New Versatile Electron-Beam Ion Trap
- B-1-14 Wireless Power Transfer Efficiency between Helical Coils
- BS-10-22 Fair Bandwidth Assignment to Each Terminal in Wireless LAN Access Point
- Molecular cloning, nucleotide sequence and characteristics of a xylanase gene (xynA) from Ruminococcus albus 7
- ファジーなバイオ現象と理詰めの電気化学との融合