Tokyo Seiei college | 論文
- 再録報文 Radical Scavenging Activity and Inhibition of Macrophage NO Production by Fukinolic Acid,a Main Phenolic Constituent in Japanese Butterbur(Petasites japonicus)
- Radical Scavenging Activity and Inhibition of Macrophage NO Production by Fukinolic Acid, a Main Phenolic Constituent in Japanese Butterbur (Petasites japonicus)
- 再録報文 Anti-stress,Anti-HIV and Vitamin C-synergized Radical Scavenging Activity of Mulberry Juice Fractions
- 学会ポスター発表 Component analysis and antioxidant activity of Mulberry juice
- 再録口頭発表 桑の実の成分とその機能性について
- 学会ポスタ-発表 The theoretical basis of dual mode diffusion of NaCl in non-penetrating porous materials-foodstuffs as the model
- 学会ポスタ-発表 Dual mode diffusion and sorption of NaCl in foodstuffs under cooking conditions
- 再録報文 Dual mode diffusion and sorption of sodium chloride in pork meats under cooking conditions
- 再録報文 Dual mode diffusion and sorption of sodium chloride in pre-cooked egg white
- 再録報文 Dual Mode Diffusion of NaCl in Japanese Radish under Cooking Conditions
- 再録口頭発表 Development of Tofu-Hamburger Steak using Skim Milk for the Elderly