Tokyo Medical Univ. | 論文
- Significance of Post-Exercise Increment of Urinary Bicarbonate and pH in Subjects Loaded with Submaximal Cycling Exercise
- Marked Increase in Urinary Bicarbonate and pH Caused by Heavy Muscular Exercise with Dynamic Knee Extension
- Circadian Changes in Urinary Bicarbonate, Nitric Oxide Metabolites and pH in Female Player during Handball Camp Involved in an Exercise, Rest and Sleep Cycle
- Antiviral Activity of 2-Amino-4, 4α-Dihydro-4α-7-Dimethyl-3H-Phenoxazine-3-One on Poliovirus
- Extraosseous accumulation of ^Tc-HMDP to radiation nephropathy, mimicking recurrent neuroblastoma
- Comparison of ^FDG-PET with ^Tc-HMDP scintigraphy for the detection of bone metastases in patients with breast cancer
- An analysis of the physiological FDG uptake pattern in the stomach
- Apoptosis Induction Preceded by Mitochondrial Depolarization in Multiple Myeloma Cell Line U266 by 2-Aminophenoxazine-3-one(Medicinal Chemistry)
- β_2-Agonist Clenbuterol Induced Changes in the Distribution of White Blood Cells in Rats
- Phenoxazine Derivatives 2-Amino-4,4α-dihydro-4α-phenoxazine-3-one and 2-Aminophenoxazine-3-one-Induced Apoptosis through a Caspase-Independent Mechanism in Human Neuroblastoma Cell Line NB-1 Cells(Medicinal Chemistry)
- Mechanisms of the inhibitory effects of a phenoxazine compound, 2-amino-4,4α-dihydro-4α-7-dimethyl-3H-phenoxazine-3-one, on the contraction of the smooth muscle of the guinea pig taenia cecum
- A Phenoxazine Compound, 2-Amino-4, 4α-dihydro-4α-7-dimethyl-3H-phenoxazine-3-one Reverses the Phenylephrine or High-K^+ Induced Contraction of Smooth Muscles in Rat Aorta and Guinea Pig Tenia Cecum(Pharmacology)
- Metabolism of Pyrogallol to Purpurogallin by Human Erythrocytic Hemoglobin
- Effects of Novel Phenoxazine Compounds, 2-Amino-4, 4α-Dihydro-4α, 7-Dimethyl-3H-Phenoxazine-3-One and 3-Amino-1, 4α-Dihydro-4α, 8-Dimethyl-2H-Phenoxazine-2-One on Proliferation of Phytohemagglutinin- or Anti-Human IgM-Activated Human Peripheral Blood Mono
- Oscillatory Oxido-Reductive Reaction of Intracellular Hemoglobin in Human Erythrocyte Incubated with o-Aminophenol
- Multi - Effective Properties of Homogentisic Acid Revealed in Reactions With Human Hemoglobin and Human Erythrocytic Hemoglobin
- Suppression of Proliferation of Poliovirus and Porcine Parvovirus by Novel Phenoxazines, 2-Amino-4,4α-dihydro-4α-7-dimethyl-3H-phenoxazine-3-one and 3-Amino-1,4α-dihydro-4α-8-dimethyl-2H-phenoxazine-2-one(Pharmacology)
- Soft Copy Using Image Processing in Place of Hard Copy for Detection of Subtle Pulmonary Lesions : Is It Actually Cost-effective?
- Waveform Station Anomaly -Definition and Example for J-Array Stations-
- SPECT evaluation of cerebral blood flow during arm exercise in patients with subclavian steal