Tokyo Institute Of Technology. | 論文
- The Stress vactor and the Subsequent Yield Surface in Loading along the Strain Path with a Corner
- 2P193 Characterization of interaction between β- and γ-subunit in F_1-ATPase using twisted γ mutant(37. Molecular motor (II),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 2P194 Angle Dependent Affinity of Rotary Motor F_1-ATPase for Nucleotides(37. Molecular motor (II),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 61 Study on Boiler Effeciency Control(Collected Papers Published by Staff of Ship Research Institute at societies and Institutions in 1970)
- A Study of Pseudo-Shock : 2nd Report, X-Type Pseudo-Shock
- A Study of Pseudo-Shock : 1st Report, λ-Type Pseudo-Shock
- Investigations on the Differential Speed Type Thread Rolling Machine : 2 nd Report, Rolling Power and the Calculation of the Outside Diameter of Rolling Die
- Investigations on the Differential Speed Type Thread Rolling Machine : 1 st Report, Rolling Pressure and the Calculation of the Center Distance between Rolling Dies
- The Semi-Infinite Plate Subjected to Impact Load on the Free Boundary
- Rsearch on Heat Conduction with Freezing : 1st Report; Numerical Method on Stefan's Problem
- Numerical Method of Transient Heat Conduction with Temperature Dependent Thermal Properties
- Convective Heat Transfer in an Annulus with an Inner Rotating Cylinder
- Synthesis of Planar Four-Link Path Generator Planar Four-Link Path Generator : On the Singular Points
- Study on Dropwise Condensation Curves : Dropwise to Filmwise Transition of Propylene Glycol, Ethylene Glycol and Glycerol Vapors on a Copper Surface Using a Monolayer Type Promoter (Part 1)
- 2P189 ATP-driven rotation of VoV1 from Thermus thermophilus(37. Molecular motor (II),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 3P-147 F1-ATPaseによる基質加水分解機構の解明(分子モーター(3),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Study on Oblique Grid Shadow Graph
- Plastic Behavior of Aged Mild Steel
- Gas Dynamic Characteristics of the Helium Two Stage Shock Tube for MHD Power Generation Experiments
- Compliance Control Considering a Robot's Manipulability