Tokyo Institute Of Technology. | 論文
- Unsteady Flow of Gas in Long Circular Tube
- 1P-134 ATP合成酵素の結晶化(分子モーター,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P-137 ATP合成酵素の結晶化と結晶解析(分子モーター(1),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P262 Improvement and analysis of ATP synthase crystals(9. Molecular motor (I),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 1P533 Mechanism of Inhibition of the V-type Molecular Motor by Tributyltin Chloride(26. Single molecule biophysics,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- A Study of Viscoelastic Fluid Flow : 4th Report, The Laminar Flow in the Region near the Entrance of a Circular Pipe
- The Influence of Prestrain on Subsequent Yield Surfaces : 1st Report
- The Influence of the Bauschinger Effect on the Subsequent Yield Condition
- Vibration of a Shaft Passing through a Critical Speed : 1st Report Experiments and Numerical Solutions
- 3P-116 γサブユニットの部分的切除によるF_1-ATPaseの回転の研究(分子モーター,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Multi-plane Balancing of Flexible Rotor Consisting of Two Disks
- Vibration of a Shaft Passing through a Critical Speed : 2nd Report, Approximate Equations
- The Rolling Pressure of the Flat Die Type Thread Rolling Machine
- Fatigue Test by Staircase Method with Small Samples
- The Effect of the Thread Rolling Conditions on the Fatigue Strength of the Rolled Screw Threads : 2nd Report, Rotating Bending Fatigue Strength of the Specimens with a Rolled V Groove
- Characteristics of Threaded Joints in Ultrasonic Vibrating System
- The Effect of the Thread Rolling Conditions on the Fatigue Strength of the Rolled Screw Threads : 1st Report, Investigations on the Thread Rolling Conditions
- Stability of a System Consisting of Flexible Rotor and Flexibly Mounted Journal Bearings
- An Experimental Study on the Deformation of Materials under High Hydrostatic Pressures : 2nd Report, On Torsional Deformation
- Researches on the Performance of the Regenerative Pump with Non-Radial Vanes : 1st Report, Performance and Inner Flow