Tohoku University Institute For International Advanced Interdisciplinary Research | 論文
- 網膜色素変性 チャネルロドプシン (網膜硝子体診療update) -- (注目の疾患)
- 人工視覚 1チップ型人工網膜 (眼科における最新医工学) -- (視機能再生工学)
- (21) エリシター遊離因子(β-1,3-endo-glucanase)遺伝子のクローニング : (7) ダイズ遊離因子cDNAで形質転換した大腸菌における酵素活性の発現 (平成2年度大会講演要旨)
- Auto Iris Pigment Epithelial Cell Transplantation in Patients with Age-Related Macular Degeneration : Short-Term Results
- Ceramide-Induced Cell Death in Cultured Rat Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells
- Administration of Nerve Growth Factor, Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-II Protects Phosphate-Activated Glutaminase in the Ischemic and Reperfused Rat Retinas
- Increased Expression of Low-affinity NGF Receptor in Rat Retinal Muller Cells after Ischemia and Reperfusion
- 網膜の再生機構と先天性網膜疾患治療への応用 (特別企画 再生医学) -- (眼)
- Development of Power Supply System for Three-Dimensionally Staked Retinal Prosthesis Chip
- Evaluation of Electrical Stimulus Current to Retina Cells for Retinal Prosthesis by Using Platinum-Black (Pt-b) Stimulus Electrode Array
- Evaluation of Electrical Stimulus Current to Retina Cells for Retinal Prosthesis
- Retinal Prosthesis System with Telemetry Circuit Controlled by Human Eyelid Movement
- Characteristics of Mitochondrial Calpains
- Increased Expression of Glutamate Binding Protein mRNA in Rat Retina after Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
- Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Inhibitor, PD98059, Inhibits Rat Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cell Replication by Cell Cycle Arrest
- Effect of Betaxolol on Aspartate Aminotransferase Activity in Hypoxic Rat Retina In Vitro
- Muller Cells in the Preconditioned Retinal Ischemic Injury Rat
- 網膜組織再生治療へのアプローチ
- Differentiation of neuronal cells from NIH/3T3 fibroblasts under defined conditions
- 遺伝子治療による視覚再建 : 緑藻類由来遺伝子の利用(実・バーチャル空間の知覚・認知,一般)