Theory Group Kek | 論文
- Stable High-Brightness Electron Beam System with a Photocathode RF Gun for Short Pulse X-Ray Generation by Thomson Scattering
- Two Dimensional Rotational Temperature Measurement by Multiline Laser Induced Fluorescence of Nitric Oxide in Combustion Flame
- 超対称大統一理論における右巻きニュートリノとFCNC過程、レプトンフレーバーの破れおよびミュー粒子の異常磁気能率(新世紀の素粒子像,研究会報告)
- Electroweak Precision Measurements and the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
- Green's Functions on a Wormhole and Induced Operators
- Wormhole Solution in Scalar Theories with Non-abelian Global Symmetry〔邦文〕 (量子重力(研究会報告))
- Neutrino oscillation SUSY GUT and B decay
- Alternative Signature of TeV Strings
- Analytic Solutions to the RG Equations of the Neutrino Physical Parameters
- Renormalization Group Analysis of Large Lepton Flavor Mixing and the Neutrino Mass
- The Effect of Majorana Phase in Degenerate Neutrinos
- Charged Higgs Mass Bound from the b→sγ Process in the Minimal Supergravity Model : Particles and Fields
- Charged Higgs Mass Bound from the b → sγ Process in the Minimal Supergravity
- Time Reversal Violation in K^+→μ^+νγ Decay and Three Higgs Model
- Natural μ-Term Generation in Supergravity Scenario
- Looking beyond the Standard Model through Precision Electroweak Physics
- Generic Relations of Flavor Mixings between Leptons and Quarks in SU(5)
- Relations among Elements of the Quark Mass Matrices
- Charged Higgs boson production via WZ fusion at the Large Hadron Collider (広島ヒグス研究会2005-2006)