Tamaki Station National Research Institute Of Aquaculture Fisheries Research Agency | 論文
- Edwardsiella tarda の線毛に対するヒラメ抗体の検出
- GH遺伝子組換えアマゴにおける肝臓の形態変化
- メダカとハイナンメダカの3倍体雑種F2の不妊性
- Identification of Additional Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Responsible for Susceptibility to Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus in Rainbow Trout
- 天然アコヤガイを用いたアコヤガイ赤変病の病勢調査
- Optimization of the supplemental essential amino acids to a fish meal-free diet based on fermented soybean meal for rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss
- 在来マス及びアユに対する Yersinia ruckeri の病原性
- Influence of dietary soy protein and peptide products on bile acid status and distal intestinal morphology of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss