Surgery Osaka University Medical School | 論文
- 39. Protoperative Management by Prolonged Hypothermia in Brain Operation : The third report (Proceedings of the XXVth Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society)
- B-11. Uptake of Bleomycin by Brain Tumors
- Treatment of Severe Localized Cerebral Vasospasm Following Recurrent Hemorrhage from Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysm : Case Report
- A-47. Argon Laser Treatment of Brain Tumors
- B-21. Basic Experiment to Apply Laser Radiation for Treatment of Brain Tumors
- s-3. Effect of hyperbaric oxygenation on cerebral damage
- e-25. Effects of Laser Radiation Upon the Transplanted Brain Tumor with Exogenous Photosensitizer
- e-23. Chemotherapy of Brain Tumor (Clinical Experiences Based on Experimental Studies)
- c-4. A Case of Malignant THYmoma with Spinal COmpression Sympom and Metastasis to the Skull
- a-3. Ascending Pathways from the Nucleus Caudalis of Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus in the Cat (With Special Reference to Pain Conducting Pathway)
- S-B-8. Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygenation on Cerebral Edema
- 89. Sensory Hyperirritability from Intrathecal Alumina Gel Infection in Cats. A Pathohistological Study
- S-3. Chemotherapy of Brain Tumor (Symosium:Non-Operatives Treauments for Brain Tumors)
- Frontal Cryocinglumotomy for the Relief of Pain : Treatment of Intractable Pain by Frntal Cryocingulumotomy
- S-I-5 S-1-5. Stereotaxic Cryocingulumotomy and Experimental Studies on Neural Mechanism of Pain Perception (Symposium I: Pain)
- STA-MCA Anastomosis and Collateral Circulation
- Evaluation of Masked Neurological Disorders in the Chronic Stage after Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Rats : Methamphetamine-induced Rotation and Regional Glucose Metabolism in Basal Ganglia
- Dolichoectatic Basilar Artery Treated by Reducing Hemodynamic Stress : Report of Two Cases
- 50 50. Stereotaxic Intraventricular Drainage for the Treatment of Large Cystic Craniopharyngioma and Cyst of Cavum Septi Pellucidi