Surgery Osaka University Medical School | 論文
- 45. Subcortical or Brainstem Lesion Effect on Subcorticogenic Seizure with special Reference to the Forel-H Field : experimental analysis (Proceedings of the XXVth Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society)
- N-3 N-3. A Case of "Cushing Ulcer" followed by the Stereotaxic Hypothalamotomy (PROCEEDINGS OF THE IVth ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN STEREOENCEPHALOTOMY)
- S-1. Effects of Brain-Stem Stimulation and Destruction on Epileptic Excitabillity
- p-5 Subthalamic stimulation effect on epileptic wxcitability of neo-,archiand paleocortical systems
- 35. Clinical Results of Forel-H-tomy of the Treatment of Epilepsy
- 17. Indications of forel-H-tomy for the treatment of epilepsy
- 15 Physical and Physiological Studies on Localized Freezing in the Cat Brain
- 142 A Connection between the Bilateral Lenticular Nuclei through the Mid-line Nuclei of the Thalamus
- 10 Brain Stem or Lenticular Nucleus Lesion Effect on Epileptogenic Convulsion elicited by Intravenous Administration of Metrazol (Preliminary Report)
- Experiences of Six Cases of Intracranial Epidermoid
- 40. Neurosurgical Experiences under Total Circulatory Arrest with Profound Hypothermia using Extracorporeal Circulation (Proceedings of the XXVth Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society)
- B-67. Some Efferent Connections of Centromedian Nucleus and Magnocelular Part of Medoa; Geniculate Nucleus in Cat. : With Specia Reference to the Pain Comducting pathway
- 7. Experimental Studies on Bilateral Motor Control of Subcortical Nuclei
- 7 7. Effects of Unilateral Cryothalamectomy upon Bilateral Symptoms of Parkinsonism (PROCEEDINGS OF THE IVth ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN STEREOENCEPHALOTOMY)
- 79 Experimental and Clinical Studies on the Chemotherapy of the Brain Tumor : -Preliminary Report-
- 28. Experience of Stereotaxic Radio-Gasserian-Gangliotomy by Linac Irradiation and Its Basic Experiment
- d-8. An Astroeyte-specific Cerebroprotein in Normal Brain and in Human Gliomas
- 21. Forel-H-Tomy for the Treatment of Lennox Syndrome
- i-16. A Five-year-old girl with an incisural dumbell tumor
- e-18. Diagnosis and Treatment of Incisural Tumors