Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University | 論文
- Initial results of imaging riometer observations at polar cap conjugate stations
- Microlensing Search toward M33 : A Test of Dark Matter in the Local Group
- Single Particle Analysis of Secondary Organic Aerosols Formed from 1,4-Cyclohexadiene Ozonolysis Using a Laser-Ionization Single-Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
- Thermal and Magnetic Parameters in Solar Flares Derived from GOES X-Ray Light Curves
- Comparison between prenoon and postnoon auroras during quiet and disturbed conditions (extended abstract)
- Simultaneous DMSP, all-sky camera, and IMAGE FUV observations of the brightening arc at a substorm pseudo-breakup
- Geotail Observations of an Unusual Magnetotail under Very Northward IMF Conditions
- ETS-VI Magnetic Field Observations of the Near-Earth Magnetotail during Substorms
- North/South Asymmetry of sc/si Magnetic Variations Observed along the 210゜Magnetic Meridian
- Upper atmosphere physics (UAP) data obtained at Syowa and Asuka Stations in 1991(Upper Atmosphere Physics 11)
- Observations of the geomagnetic field by Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) experiment in Antarctica
- The Dynamical Characteristics of a Disappearing-Filament Associated Interplanetary Disturbance Observed in 1992 Early May
- The Mechanisms of Damping of Geomagnetic Pulsations
- A low-latitude aurora observed at Rikubetsu (L=1.6) during the magnetic storm of September 13,1993
- Relativistic electron precipitation near the outer boundary of the radiation belt (extended abstract)
- Multi-Station System for Solar Wind Observations Using the Interplanetary Scintillation Method
- Initial observation results with imaging riometer at Ny-Alesund (L=16)
- A study of the storm event on October 21-22, 1999 by the MHD simulation
- New auroral spectrometer using an acousto-optic tunable filter
- Poynting vectors of Pc 5 pulsations observed by the GEOTAIL satellite in the dayside outer magnetosphere