Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University | 論文
- Dayside magnetopause Pc3 and Pc5 ULF waves observed by the GEOTAIL Satellite
- A Catalog of Suzaku/WAM Hard X-Ray Solar Flares
- A Detailed Observational Study of Molecular Loops 1 and 2 in the Galactic Center
- Laser-Induced Fluorescence Instrument for the Detection of Tropospheric OH Radicals
- Observation of Ozone Mixing Ratio by Nagoya 4m Millimeterwave Telescope
- A Dark-Cloud Complex in Aquila: Small Molecular Clouds Possibly Associated with the Aquila Rift
- A rectified response of daytime radio wave absorption to southward and northward excursions during northward interplanetary magnetic field: A case study
- The First Year Results of the LHCf Experiment to Verify Cosmic Ray Interaction Models at LHC Energy(High Energy Strong Interactions 2010-Parton Distributions and Dense QCD Matter-)
- Characteristics of Low-Latitude Pi 2 Pulsations along the 210゜Magnetic Meridian
- Characteristics of Magnetic Variations Caused by Low-Latitude Aurorae Observed around 210^. Magnetic Meridian
- Globally Coordinated Magnetic Observations Along 210 Magnetic Meridian during STEP Period: 1. Preliminary Results of Low-Latitude Pc 3's
- The altitude profile of ionospheric currents and conductivities deduced from EISCAT observations
- Double-frequency oscillations of low energy plasma associated with transverse Pc 5 pulsations : GEOTAIL satellite observations
- Spectral characteristics of Pc 3-5 pulsations observed by GEOTAIL skimming the dayside magnetopause (extended abstract)
- Measurements of Ammonium and Sodium salt Aerosol Particles Using a Laser-ionization Single-particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
- Studies of Magnetospheric ULF Waves Using Active Magnetospheric Particle Tracer Explorers Charge Composition Explorer
- Real-time analysis of secondary organic aerosol particles formed from cyclohexene ozonolysis using a laser-ionization single-particle aerosol mass spectrometer
- Optical Properties and Chemical Compositions of Iodine-Containing Aerosols Produced from the Atmospheric Photolysis of Methylene Iodide in the Presence of Ozone
- Atmospheric density and pressure inferred from the meteor diffusion coefficient and airglow O_2b temperature in the MLT region
- Auroral Observations Using Automatic Optical Instruments : Relations with Multiple Pi 2 Magnetic Pulsations