Shionogi Research Laboratories | 論文
- Novel Antitumor Sesquiterpenoids in Achillea millefolium
- cycloaddition in Synthesis of Sulfonamide Derivatives. I. : A New Method for Preparation of N-(C-Amino-alkylthiomethylene)benzenesulfonamide
- Systhesis of Manool-Related Labdane Diterpenes as Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors
- Decreased Susceptibility of Glycated Very Low Density Lipoproteins to Lipoprotein Lipase in vitro and Prevention by Glutathione
- Role of the Nh (Non-hair) Mutation in the Development of Dermatitis and Hyperproduction of IgE in DS-Nh Mice
- Spontaneous Development of Dermatitis in DS-Nh Mice under Specific Pathogen-Free Conditions
- β-ラクタム抗生剤とビタミンK代謝 : 第2報 : 第40回大会研究発表要旨
- Bile Acids and Steroids. XXXV. Some A-Ring Aromatic Steroids having Oxygen Functions at C-16 and Their Pharmacological Activities. (1)
- Studies on Biochemical Transformation of Plant Steroids. Part II. Biochemical Conversion of Gitogenin into 12-Oxygenated Sapogenins in Hosta kiyosumiensis F. MAEK
- Studies on the Steroidal Components of Domestic Plants. XLVIII. Components of Chionographis japonica MAXIM. (1)
- Studies on the Steroidal Components of Domestic Plants. XLV. Constituents of Hosta Species. (2)
- Studies on Sesquiterpenoids. V. The Structure of a Double Bond Isomer of α-Dihydroguaiene.
- Syntheses and Antimicrobial Activities of Fomecins A and B, Asperugin, and Related Compounds
- Syntheses of Fomecins A and B, Antibiotics produced by the Basidiomycete Fomes juniperinus
- GFAP and its genetic expression in development of glial cells
- GFAP gene expression on the astroglia of damaged facial nuclei of rats
- Evaluation and Application of Liquid Chromatographic Columns Coated with "Intelligent" Ligands. (III) Immobilized Enzyme Phospholipid Column
- アロキサン糖尿ラットにおける血中脂質およびリポ蛋白値の変化--1年にわたる経過検討
- Influence of Cholesterol Feeding on Bile Acid Metabolism in Young and Aged Germ-Free Rats