Seikai National Fisheries Research Institute Fisheries Research Agency | 論文
- 養殖ブリ稚魚のウイルス性変形症の病理組織学的所見
- Distribution and Abundance of resting cysts of Alexandrium tamarense and/or A. catenella (Dinophyceae) in Tokyo Bay, Japan
- Optimal Primary Production Model and Parameterization in the Eastern East China Sea
- Estimation Chlorophyll-a Vertical Profiles from Satellite Data and the Implication for Primary Production in the Kuroshio Front of the East China Sea
- 東シナ海におけるウルメイワシの年齢・成長と成熟特性
- Diel Patterns in Chlorophyll a Specific Absorption Coefficient and Absorption Efficiency Factor of Picoplankton
- フィリピンで発生したハタのウイルス性神経壊死症
- Transport of the oval squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana Ferussac, 1831 in Lesson 1830-1831 (Cephalopoda : Loliginidae) for up to 24 h and subsequent transfer to an aquarium
- ボラの鱗寄生粘液胞子虫 Myxobolus episquamalis sp. nov.
- 九州西岸域で漁獲されたブリの年齢, 成長および繁殖特性
- Improvement in the feeding activity, early growth and survival of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis larvae fed a casein peptide-based microdiet supplemented with inosine monophosphate
- Decadal changes in the diet of northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) migrating off the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan
- カタクチイワシの初期生残に及ぼす母性効果
- 対馬暖流域におけるマイワシ・カタクチイワシの加入量予測の現状
- マイワシ・カタクチイワシの加入量予測手法に関する現状の整理
- 日本海西部におけるマアジ当歳魚の分布と加入の実態
- Lipids of Three Highly Migratory Fishes : Euthynnus affinis, Sarda orientalis, and Elagatis bipinnulata
- Validation of daily increment formation in otoliths of immature and adult Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus
- Marine mucilage in Ariake Sound, Japan, is composed of transparent exopolymer particles produced by the diatom Coscinodiscus granii
- Distribution and migration of age-O jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) in the East China and Yellow Seas, based on seasonal bottom trawl surveys