School of Veterinary Medicine, Azabu University | 論文
- A study of an erythrocyte membrane protein that contributes to inhibition of agglutination of feline erythrocytes in glucose solution
- 4Cで冷蔵保存された精巣上体から採取・凍結・融解した精子を用いたブタの繁殖の試み
- Mitochondrial diversity of native pigs in the mainland South and South-east Asian countries and its relationships between local wild boars
- Yersinia enterocolitica Serovar O:8 Infection in Breeding Monkeys in Japan
- Breeding distribution and maternal genetic lineages in Lulu, a dwarf cattle population in Nepal
- Comparison of time budget of behaviors between penned and ranged young cattle focused on general and oral behaviors
- Choice of attractive conditions by beef cattle in a Y-maze just after release from restraint : Effect of sheep
- 'Looking up' behavior in the holding area of the milking parlor : its relationship with step-kick, flight responses and productivity of commercial dairy cows
- Temperament assessments of lactating cows in three contexts and their applicability as management traits
- Recovery Rate in the Concentration of Semivolatile Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Solutions
- Identification of a novel Bacillus species isolated from Calculus Bovis
- A study of in vivo antihypertensive properties of enzymatic hydrolysate from chicken leg bone protein
- The development of angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitor derived from chicken bone protein
- Changes in Body Weight and Organ Weight of Ishibashi (IS) Rats with Growth
- The novel polymorphism of the beta 3-adrenergic receptor gene and its distribution in domestic pigs and wild boars in Asia
- An approach for conservation of pig resources by xenograft of gonadal tissue to mice
- Effect of Solid Feed on Water Balance in Suckling Calves Given Free Access to Water
- Effect of Solid Feed on Water Balance in Suckling Calves Given Free Access to Water
- Identification of Pink-Pigmented Bacteria Isolated from Environmental Water Samples and Their Biofilm Formation Abilities
- Characteristics of a Pink-Pigmented Bacterium Isolated from Biofilm in a Cooling Tower in Tokyo, Japan