School Of Veterinary Medicine Kitasato University | 論文
- Comparison of the Immunosuppressive Effects of Dexamethasone, Flunixin Meglumine, and Meloxicam on the In Vitro Response of Calf Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
- Influence of orally administered bovine lactoferrin on lipid metabolism in lipopolysaccharide-injected preruminant calves
- 家畜の熱環境指標に関する研究(第1報)牛体皮膚温度と熱環境
- 温室の保温性と被覆材-2-温室の保温比と熱貫流
- PE,PVC一重被覆ハウスの熱貫流--温室の保温性と被覆材-1-
- 温室の暖房・換気設計の基本問題
- Relationship between Diarrhea and Peripheral Leukocyte Population in Neonatal Japanese Black Calves
- トルコにおけるロドコッカス・エクイ感染症の子馬2症例:分離株の病原性プラスミドの解析
- Age-Related Alterations in Peripheral Leukocyte Population of Healthy Holstein Dairy Cows during the Pre-Calving Period
- Establishment of An Advanced Chemically Defined Medium for Early Embryos Derived from In Vitro Matured and Fertilized Bovine Oocytes
- Comparison of the peripheral blood leukocyte population between Japanese Black and Holstein calves
- Contribution of understory vegetation to minimizing nitrate leaching in a Japanese cedar plantation
- Molecular-Based Identification of Yeasts Isolated from Bovine Clinical Mastitis in Japan
- Effect of Progesterone on the in vitro Response of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Stimulated by Escherichia coli in Mares
- Effect of Hoof Trimming before the Dry Period on Productive Performance in Perinatal Dairy Cows