Riken Wako‐shi Jpn | 論文
- Global Signal Elimination and Local Signals Enhancement from EM Radiation Waves Using Independent Component Analysis
- Saccade-related independent component in visually and auditorily guided saccade task
- Single-Trial Magnetoencephalographic Data Decomposition and Localization Based on Independent Component Analysis Approach
- Neural Network Models for Blind Separation of Time Delayed and Convolved Signals
- Equivariant nonstationary source separation
- Natural Gradient Learning for Spatio-Temporal Decorrelation:Recurrent Network
- 眼球運動前から発生する眼球運動関連の脳波についての研究
- 教師信号つき外積展開を用いた脳波信号の眼電位除去とその高速解法
- 眼球運動に関連する脳波成分に関する研究
- A 6.93-μm^2 Full CMOS SRAM Cell Technology for 1.8-V High-Performance Cache Memory
- A 6-ns 4-Mb CMOS SRAM with Offset-Voltage-Insensitive Current Sense Amplifiers(Special Issue on the 1994 VLSI Circuits Symposium)
- Development and Evaluation of a Smart Antenna Test Bed for Wireless LAN(Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communications)(Wave Technologies for Wireless and Optical Communications)
- A Spatial Domain Interference Canceller Using a Multistage Adaptive Array with Precise Timing Estimation (Special Issue on Adaptive Array Antenna Techniques for Advanced Wireless Communications)
- Combining Techniques for Spatial-Domain Path-Diversity Using an Adaptive Array
- A Spatial-Domain RAKE Receiver Using a Super-Resolution Technique (Special Issue on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications)
- 眼球運動関連電位抽出のための最適な電極数と位置について(BCI/BMIその周辺,一般)
- Fast Local Algorithms for Large Scale Nonnegative Matrix and Tensor Factorizations
- 自由運動時と指示運動時の眼球運動準備電位 (ニューロコンピューティング)
- A Yearlong Performance of Satellite Broadcasting Receiving Systems
- An LMS Adaptive Array for Multipath-Fading Reduction