Res. Inst. Radiat. Biol. Med. Hiroshima Univ. | 論文
- 150 Domain analysis of p53 in S checkpoint of mouse zygotes(Signal transduction, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- S-2-5 Genomic instability in F1 mice born to irradiated spermatozoa and p53 dependent genomic cross-talk(Radiation Induced Genetical Instability : What Is the Mechanism That a Cell Memorizes Being Irradiated?, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the J
- Delayed apoptosis in mouse embryos fertilized by X-irradiated spermatozoa
- The S-phase checkpoint in mouse zygote fertilized with irradiated sperm
- Protective function of p53 in embryogenesis of sperm-irradiated zygotes
- Suppression of DNA synthesis of maternal pronuclei in one cell stage mouse embryos fertilized with irradiated sperm.
- Induction of a Germline Mutation at a Hypervariable Mouse Minisatellite Locus by ^Cf Radiation
- Germline Mutation of a Hypervariable Mouse Minisatellite Locus Induced by Ionizing Radiation
- Characterization of two murine mutants, Del(2)59H and Del (2) Sey3H, which delete the region of a putative tumor suppressor gene of acute myeloid leukemia on chromosome 2
- Analysis of Radialton-Induced Mammary Carcinogenesis : age-dependent development of mammary carcinoma in rats
- Tumotigenicity of heavy iron and X-ray in B6C3F1 mice.
- Analysis of Radjaiton-Induced Mammary Carcinogenesis : Susceptibility of rat mammary glands in different ages
- Analysis of Mierosatellite Loci and Genetic Changes in ^cf and DEN Induced Hepatic Tumors
- Mammary tumor induction by ^Co gamma rays in genetically resistant COPENHAGEN rats
- Comparative Study of DS86 and ABS93D (Atomic Bomb Survivors 1993 Dose)
- A Defect in Cell-to-cell Adhesion via Integrin-Fibronectin Interactions in a Highly Metastatic Tumor Cell Line
- Effects of Scid Mutation on Radiation Carcinogenesis - Modification of Radiation Carcinogenesis by A Genetic Factor -
- The D4Mit12 locus on mouse chromosome 4 provides susceptibility to both γ-ray-induced and N-methyl-N nitrosourea-induced thymic lymphomas
- Modifier locus of p53 deficient mouse to radiation induced thymic Lymphoma
- Radiation Induction of Gemline Mutation at a Hypervariable Mouse Minisatellite Locus