RIKEN | 論文
- 20aYM-7 チタン酸バリウムナノ粒子における相転移挙動(誘電体,領域10(誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン物性))
- 中性子ハロー核におけるテンソル相関と対相関の役割(弱束縛系での核子相関,原子核クラスター物理の現状と展望,研究会報告)
- 中性子ハロー核におけるテンソル相関の役割(有効相互作用の理論と核模型,研究会報告)
- 中性子ハロー核におけるテンソル相関(基研滞在型研究会「テンソル力と多核子相関」研究会報告)
- 22pTK-6 Hard x-ray Photoemission : theoretical(How real bulk information is obtained by extremely low energy and hard X-ray photoemission)
- 208 複数の脳動脈瘤を伴う血流に関する数値的研究
- 416 複数の脳動脈瘤を伴う血流の数値的研究
- Molecular States in Neutron-Rich Beryllium Isotopes
- Coulomb Excitation of ^24Si
- Coulomb Dissociation of ^23Al
- Discovery of Interacting Molecular Gas toward the TeV Gamma-Ray Peak of the SNR G 347.3-0.5
- Probable Association of T Tauri Stars with the L 1014 Dense Core
- The Suzaku High Resolution X-Ray Spectrometer
- 24aWK-2 RIビームを用いた散乱実験のための偏極陽子固体標的
- プラズマCVMおよびEEMによるX線平面ミラーの加工と放射光による評価
- Magnetic Phase Diagram of the Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet CuFe_Al_xO_2(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Dimerization Effect on the Physical Properties in New One-Dimensional Organic Conductors: (ChTM-TTP)_2AuBr_2, (ChTM-TTP)_2GaCl_4, and (ChTM-TTP)ReO_4
- Effect of Temporal Sample Preservation on the Molecular Study of a Complex Microbial Community in the Gut of the Termite Microcerotermes sp
- Identification and in situ Detection of Two Lineages of Bacteroidales Ectosymbionts Associated with a Termite Gut Protist, Oxymonas sp.
- Fungal Community Analysis of Fungus Gardens in Termite Nests