RCNP,Osaka Univ. | 論文
- Pre-Equilibrium Deexcitation Process for ^Dy(α,xn γ) Reaction and Angular Momentum Transfers
- 3a-KB-7 De-excitation Processes for (α,xnypγ) Reactions
- 3a-KB-6 α-n correlation measurement by (α,α') reactions
- 31a JB-9 Proton and neutron correlation for 110MeV alpha induced reaction on ^Ho
- 31a JB-5 Angular Momentum Dissipation through ^Gd(α,xnγ)^Dy Reactions at E_α=70 MeV
- 28p-MB-7 Spin Alignment of the Ground State Rotational Levels Excited by Pre-equilibrium and Equilibrium (α, Xnγ) Reactions
- 28p-MB-5 Preequilibrium and equilibrium deexcitation processes in (^N, xnypγ) reactions on rare-earth nuclei
- 1a-AG-12 Preequilibrium (α,α^2xnypγ) Reaction Mechanism at E_α=120-110 MeV
- 1a-AG-11 Preequilibrium Deexcitation Process in Dy (α,xn yp zαγ) and Yb(α,xn yp zαγ) Reactions
- 1a-AG-8 The ^Dy(α,xnγ)Er Reactions Induced by 120 MeV Alpha Particles