Prefectural Univ. Kumamoto Kumamoto Jpn | 論文
- ヒトエグサ(Monostroma latissimum WITTROCK)の生長過程に関する研究
- Application of Flow Cytometry for Measuring Changes in Intracellular RNA Contents of Marine Bacteria
- 海洋におけるメタン生成細菌(
- 重油の微量水溶性画分が沿岸生態系に与える影響に関するメソコスム実験 (総特集 海洋微生物(2)基礎,応用研究とその利用) -- (2章 生態研究)
- B-33 Phylogenetic characterization of psychrophilic bacteria isolated from deep-sea area of the Nankai Trough
- 海の環境読本 : 海洋汚染その実態と防止策 松橋鐵治郎著, ジロー食品海藻研究所, 1999 年, A4 版, 234 頁, 2600 円
- 海洋におけるメタン生成 (総特集 海洋微生物) -- (3章 海洋微生物の生態)
- Study of Cytochrome P-450 mRNA Induction in Fish (Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Toxicology and Environmental Health)
- Material Balance of Phosphorus in a Semi-Closed Bay Calculated with Actuality Measurements and Data of an Observation Satellite over a Long Period
- Short-term Application of the Concentrated Deep Seawater for Production of High Quality Tomatoes by Single-truss and High Density Cultivation
- A Novel Material Incorporation Technique for Medaka (Oryzias latipes) Eggs Using Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields
- Behavior and mutation of Ralstonia solanacearum in Solanum toxicarium grown in aseptic culture
- Study of Marine Sulfate-reducing Bacterial Population Using Fluorescent in situ Hybridization Method during Decomposing Processes of Detrital Material and Polypepton in Microcosms
- Detection and Enumeration of Marine Sulfate-reducing Bacteria Using in situ Hybridization with 16S rRNA Oligonucleotide Probes
- Detection and Direct Count of Specific Bacteria in Natural Seawater Using 16S rRNA Oligonucleotide Probe
- Enumerations of Vibrio cholerae in Aquatic Environments by MPN-16S rRNA Hybridization Method
- Effects of light and microsite conditions on tree size of 6-year-old Cryptomeria japonica planted in a group selection opening
- Effects of residual trees on tree height of 18- and 19-year-old Cryptomeria japonica planted in group selection openings
- Development and Application of an Effective Detection Method for Fish Plasma Vitellogenin Induced by Environmental Estrogens
- Development of a Convenient Analysis Method of Fish Plasma Vitellogenin by HPLC (Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium on Toxicology and Environmental Health)