Precision and Intelligence Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology | 論文
- 超臨界二酸化炭素の電気めっき方法への応用--超臨界ナノプレイティング(SNP)システム (超臨界最新技術特集第6号)
- 寄稿 超臨界ナノプレイティングシステム--超臨界状態の二酸化炭素を用いた新しいめっき技術
- 超臨界二酸化炭素を用いた新規めっき法の開発--超臨界ナノプレイティング(SNP)システム (技術特集2 高機能・低環境負荷"めっき")
- A Newly Developed X-Y Planar Nano-Motion Table System with Large Travel Ranges
- D6 A Newly Developed X-Y Planar Nano-Motion Table System with Large Travel Ranges(Precision positioning and control technology)
- Characteristics of Ultrasonic Suction Pump Without Moving Parts
- Acoustic Waveguides for Actuators
- Effect of Nitrogen Addition on Superelasticity of Ti-Zr-Nb Alloys
- Effect of Cu Addition on Shape Memory Behavior of Ti-18mol%Nb Alloys
- Effect of Boron Concentration on Martensitic Transformation Temperatures, Stress for Inducing Martensite and Slip Stress of Ti-24mol%Nb-3mol%Al Superelastic Alloy
- Martensitic Transformation and Superelasticity of Ti-Nb-Pt Alloys
- Damping Capacity of Ti-Nb-Al Shape Memory β-Titanium Alloy with {001}_β_β Texture
- X-ray Diffraction Analysis of Ti-18 mol%Nb Based Shape Memory Alloys Containing 3d Transition Metal Elements
- Effect of Nb Addition on Shape Memory Behavior of Ti-Mo-Ga Alloys
- Effect of Annealing Temperature on Microstructure and Shape Memory Characteristics of Ti-22Nb-6Zr(at%) Biomedical Alloy
- Mechanical Properties and Shape Memory Behavior of Ti-Nb Alloys
- Mechanical Properties and Shape Memory Behavior of Ti-Mo-Ga Alloys
- Active Learning with Partially Annotated Sequence
- Variable RF Inductor on Si CMOS Chip
- ねじり振動子負荷試験用放射板の設計