Plasma Science Center Nagoya University | 論文
- 15aWE-6 Ba_Si_ 超伝導体の比熱(クラスレート・ゼオライト, 領域 7)
- 第37回熱測定討論会
- Study of Strain and Giant Magnetoresistance of Co/Cu Magnetic Multilayers(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Effect of Pressure on the Giant Magnetoresistance in Co/Cu Magnetic Multilayers(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- 20aXE-9 有機超伝導体 (MDT-TTF)_2(AuI_2) と (MDT-TSF)(AuI_2)_ の低温熱容量特性
- 2A05 キュービック液晶BABH(n)の圧力下の相転移現象(物理・物性)
- ac Calorimetry and EPR Study on Metal-Insulator Transition and Glass Transition in an Organic Conductor with Double-Column Structure, (DIMET)_2BF_4 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- 1A07 BABH-n同族体のキュービック相の構造(2004年日本液晶学会討論会)
- Al Etching Characteristics Ernploying Helicon Wave Plasma
- 30aWL-8 Pt_2(n-PrCS_2)_4,Pt_2(n-PrCS_2)_4I_2およびPt_2(n-PrCS_2)_4Iの熱容量(M(M)X鎖・プロトン伝導)(領域7)
- 第43回熱測定ワークショップ報告
- 2A06 異なる構造を持つキュービック液晶相の熱容量(物理・物性)
- 22aZB-1 ANBC (22) の二つのキュービック相の熱容量
- 3C13 等方性液晶ACBC(16)の熱容量(物理・物性)
- Asymmetric Flux Generation and Its Relaxation in Reversed Field Pinch
- 4th International Symposium on the New Frontiers of Thermal Studies of Materials
- 21aXE-11 κ-(BEDT-TTF)_4Hg_X_8 (X=Br, Cl) の低温熱容量測定
- 27pYR-13 負の熱膨張を示すZrW_2O_8の熱容量と相転移
- Effect of Plasma Biasing on Suppression of Electrostatic Fluctuation in the Edge Region of STP-3(M) Reversed Field Pinch(Gases, Plasmas and Electric Discharges)
- Contribution of the Electrostatic Fluctuation to the Particle and Energy Fluxes in the Edge Region of STP-3 (M) Reversed Field Pinch Plasma (Gases, Plasmas and Electric Discharges)