Plasma Research Center, University Of Tsukuba | 論文
- 30aB01 [招待講演]ガンマ10タンデムミラーにおける速度空間内のイオン輸送と閉じ込め(ミラー・FRC他)
- Evaluation of Absorption Rate by Using Full-Wave Maxwell Simulation for Plug ECRH in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Application of Orthogonal Wavelet Decomposition to Plasma Fluctuation Study
- 2. トカマク実験 : 第17回IAEA核融合エネルギー会議
- Non-Axisymmetric Alfven Wave Excited by a Helieal Coupler in an Inhomogeneous Plasma
- Recent Experiments in Gamma 10
- Density Fluctuations of Electromagnetic Plasma Waves in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Effects of Burst-promoting Activity and Erythropoietin from Human Urine on Erythroid Burst Forming Units in Human Peripheral Blood(Biological Chemistry)
- Evaluation of the Heating Effect in Neutral Beam Injection Experiments of the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Investigation on Optimal Limiter Condition for Stable Sustainment of the Potential Confined Plasma in GAMMA 10
- Plasma Imaging by Using a High-speed Camera in the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror
- Study of Fluctuation Suppression during Potential Formation in the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10
- Correlation between Low-Frequency Fluctuations and Plasma Stored Energy in GAMMA 10
- Reflectionless Transmission of Electromagnetic Wave in One-Dimensional Multi-Layer Plasmas
- Measuring Electron Temperature in the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10 Plasma Using a Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet Thomson Scattering System
- Observation of Ion Cyclotron Emission Owing to DD Fusion Product H Ions in JT-60U
- 2D Full Wave Simulation on Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Toroidal Plasma
- Raman Spectra of NH_4-TCNQ-I and -II
- Neutral Transport Analysis of TRIAM-1M Plasma by Using Monte-Carlo Simulation
- A New Method of Electron Density Measurement by Fabry-Perot Interferometry