Physical Institute Nagoya University | 論文
- Plasma Resonance Absorption in Thin Metal Films
- A Note on the Electromagnetic Response of Normal Metals
- Electron Diffraction Study of Evaporated Films of Nickel and Cobalt
- Mass Relations for Strongly Interacting Particles and Resonances. II
- Mass Relations for Strongly Interacting Particles and Resonances. I
- A Non-local Wave Equation and its Connection with the Dirac Particle
- The Vector Representation of Spinning Particle in the Quantum Theory, I
- On Chambers' Solution of the Boltzmann Transport Equation
- Theory of Cyclotron Resonance in Anisotropic Metals
- The General Solution of the Boltzmann Transport Equation and Boundary-Value Problems
- Cyclotron Resonance in Thin Metallic Films
- Exact Solutions of the Secular Equations in the HMO Treatment for Chain Molecules of Finite Length
- New Aspect of Cyclotron Resonance in Thin Metallic Films
- Pion Theory of Nuclear Forces and Low Energy P-Wave Phase Shifts
- Internal Degrees of Freedom and Elementary Particles. I
- Small Metallic Particles Produced by Evaporation in Inert Gas at Low Pressure--Size distributions,crystal morphology and crystal structures (結晶のモルフォロジ-特集号)
- Interaction between Spin Waves and Conduction Electrons
- Cosmological Implication of Physical Constants
- On The Mechano-Caloric Effect in Liquid Helium II.
- Structure of Thin Metallic Films Formed by Evaporation on Molybdenite.