Photon Factory, Institute of Materials Structure Science | 論文
- Chemical State Mapping by X-Ray Fluorescence Using Absorption Edge Shifts : Techniques, Instrumentations and Measurement
- Characterization of Co-O Thin Films by X-Ray Fluorescence Using Chemical Shifts of Absorption Edges
- A Scanning X-Ray Fluorescence Microprobe with Synchrotron Radiation
- Determination of the Stokes-Poincare Parameters for a Synchrotron X-Ray Beam by Multiple Bragg Scattering
- Photoconductivity in Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
- Photoacoustic EXAFS of Solid Phase
- Magnetic Properties and Structures of the α- and δ-Phases of ρ-NPNN (Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Schottky Specific Heat due to the Tunneling Rotation of Methyl Groups in Deuterated (DMe-DCNQI)_2Cu System
- Thermodynamical Study of (DMe-DCQNI)_2Cu System : Mechanism of Reentrant Metal-Insulator Transition : Condensed Matter: Structure, etc.
- Magnetic Structure in the Antiferromagnetic State of the Organic Conductor, (DMe-DCNQI[3,3 : 1]d_7)_2Cu : ^1H-NMR Analysis
- Charge-Transfer-Controlled Phase Transition in a Molecular Conductor, (DMe-DCNQI)_2Cu : Doping Effect
- Zigzag Charge Ordering in α'-NaV_2O_5 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- C_ Molecular Stumbling inside Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
- Structural Relaxation in Glassy Phase of C_
- Dynamic Behaviour of the local Layer Structure of Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystals under a High Electric Field Measured by Time-resolved Synchrotron X-Ray Microbeam Diffraction
- X-Ray Analysis of the Layer Structure in the Chiral Smectic Phase Showing V-shaped Switching
- Structure of Needlelike Defect in Homogeneously Aligned Cells of a Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Mixture Studied Using X-Ray Microbeam
- Spontaneous Layer Twist in a Stripe Texture of Chiral Ferroelectric Smectics Observed by Synchrotron X-Ray Microdiffraction
- Study on Molecular Dimerization Inducing the Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystalline Phase by Measuring the Smectic Layer Thickness in Various Compounds
- Influence of the Optical Purity on the Smectic Layer Thickness and the Transition Order in Enantiomeric Mixtures of an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal