C_<70> Molecular Stumbling inside Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
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We report the structural study of C_<70>-one-dimensional (1D) crystal formed inside single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). X-ray diffraction measurements were performed between 100 K and 999 K on C_<70>-encapsulated SWNTs with an average diameter of 1.37 nm. Two different domains, where the dominant alignment of C_<70> molecular long axis is standing or lying with respect to the tube axis, were observed; the ratio of the standing to the lying C_<70>-domains is roughly 7:3. Thermal expansion of interfullerene distance gave no evidence for orientational phase transitions, not as in the 3D crystals. Instead, the long-range order of the standing C_<70>-alignment was thermally destroyed with an activation energy of 39±4 meV. The results imply the importance of either the 1D fluctuation or the tube-C_<70> interaction at finite temperatures.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2003-01-15
鈴木 修吾
SAWA Hiroshi
Photon Factory, Institute of Materials Structure Science
TOU Hideki
Department of Quantum Matter, AdSM, Hiroshima University
Sawa H
Institute Of Materials Structure Science Kek
Suematsu H
Sawa Hiroshi
Department Of Physics Aoyama-gakuin University
Department of Applied Physics, Nagoya University
Department of Applied Physics, Nagoya University
Department of Applied Physics, Nagoya University
Aiura Yoshihiro
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology:hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Cen
片浦 弘道
Abe Masatoshi
Department Of Dermatology Gunma University Graduate School Of Medicine
Aoyagi Yoshinobu
Riren (the Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research)
Tou Hideki
Kobe Univ. Kobe Jpn
Tou H
Osaka Univ. Toyonaka
Tou Hideki
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Tou Hideki
Department Of Material Physics Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Suzuki Shinzo
Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Takata Masaki
Department Of Applied Physics School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Sakata M
Kyorin Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Sakata Makoto
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Nishibori E
Department Of Applied Physics Nagoya University
Maniwa Yutaka
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Abe Masatoshi
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Aoyagi Y
Inst. Physical And Chemical Res. (riken) Wako Jpn
KATAURA Hiromichi
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Fujiwara Akihiko
Sawa Hiroshi
Photon Factory Institute Of Materials Structure Science
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
KIRA Hiroshi
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
SUEMATSU Hiroyoshi
Tokumoto Hiroshi
Elecltrotechnical Laboratory
Tokumoto Hiroshi
Joint Research Center For Atom Technology (jrcat)
Aoyagi Yoshinobu
Semiconductors Laboratory The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken)
Nishibori Eiji
Department Of Applied Physics Nagoya University
Morimoto Y
Department Of Physics University Of Tsukuba
Suzuki S
Yokohama National Univ. Yokohama Jpn
Achiba Y
Department Of Chemistry Tokyo Metropolitan University
Sawa Hiroshi
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Achiba Yohji
Department Of Chemistry Tokyo Metropolitan University
Fujiwara Ryuji
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Kataura Hiromichi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Kira Hiroshi
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Tokumoto H
Department Of Quantum Matter Adsm Hiroshima University
Achiba Y
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology:hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Cen
Abe Masatoshi
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Tohoku University
Achiba Y.
Department Of Chemistry Tokyo Metropolitan University
Fujiwara A
Jaist:crest Jst (japan Science And Technology Corporation)
Suzuki Shinzo
Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 1-1 Minami-Osawa, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0397, Japan
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