Ooyo Seibutsu Inc. | 論文
- 飼育下のニホンヤマネGlirulus japonicusで見られる脱毛現象
- 日本産野生マウスに由来する独自の近交系統MSM/Ms
- P-146 Y染色体の蟄居仮説 : 核型XOの2種の琉球トゲネズミに見られるY連関遺伝子のX染色体への部分転座ならびに一般的なY染色体矮小化に伴うY連関遺伝子の末端局在からの類推(ポスターセッション)
- 下顎骨に見られるタヌキNyctereutes procyonoidesの地理的変異--多変量解析による分析の試み
- A novel family of repetitive DNA sequences amplified site-specifically on the W chromosomes in Neognathous birds.
- Risk of accidental invasion and expansion of allochthonous mice in Tokyo metropolitan coastal areas in Japan
- Phylogeographic origin of Hokkaido house mice (Mus musculus) as indicated by maternal, paternal and biparental inheritance molecules
- 日本産マウス(M.m.molossinus)とロシア産マウス(M.m.musculus)におけるrRNA遺伝子座の同定(解剖学)
- Patterns of distribution of Ag-NORs in the genus Apodemus and their evolutionary implications
- 常時流水のある側溝による小型哺乳類の落下・死亡
- 日本産野生マウスに由来する独自の近交系統MSM/Ms
- 日本のモグラ類の生態
- 日本産モグラ類2種,アズマモグラおよびコウベモグラにおける光の感受性に関する研究
- Chromosome homology between mouse and three Muridae species, Millardia meltada, Acomys dimidiatus and Micromys minutus, and conserved chromosome segments in murid karyotypes
- O-12. Karyotypic evolution and the ancestral karyotype of the Muridae inferred from comparative chromosome painting(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)
- O-23. Conserved chromosome synteny and the karyotype of the common ancestor inferred from comparative chromosome painting in the Murinae(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations, Abstract of the 56th Annual Meeting of The Society of Chromosome Resea
- Phylogeographic patterning of mtDNA in the widely distributed harvest mouse (Micromys minutus) suggests dramatic cycles of range contraction and expansion during the mid- to late Pleistocene
- Intraspecific differentiation in the lesser Japanese mole in eastern Honshu, Japan, indicated by nuclear and mitochondrial gene analyses.
- Preliminary genetic characterization of two lineages of black rats (Rattus rattus sensu lato) in Japan, with evidence for introgression at several localities
- ネズミを友に半世紀